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(Natalie's Pov)

I wanted to call him.

I wanted to hear his voice.

I needed to see his face again.

My calendar was filled with large red X's, counting down the days when It was time to come back.

When it was time to go home and face Lachlan.

I sit up in my uncomfortable bed, staring at the memories, so many of them were unwanted.

I longed to bring back the night of our one year anniversary. I needed to feel his touch, hear his words, see his presence.

I stood up and started to tear down the pictures, the letters, anything that reminded me of him.

I broke out into a cry, dropping to my knees, grasping ahold of any happiness I had left.

Finally I heard his voice.

"Smile Natalie, smile."

I did as his voice said and smiled, I smiled until I broke out into a laugh.

Luckily my roommate was spending the night at we boyfriends so she wouldn't see this horror.

I sit up from my floor and go to my desk and start to write. I don't stop until the sun starts to peek through the tree line.

Every letter starting with the same thing.

Dear Preston,

Washington must be great! You have someone yet I sit alone.

Dear Madi,

Los Angeles must be great! You have someone yet I sit alone.

Dear Lachlan,

Lacey must be great! You have someone yet I sit alone.


And all the letters end with the same thing.

Remember to smile!


Natalie Ray James.

Smile - LachlanWhere stories live. Discover now