Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine (Lachlan's Pov)


"Lachlan no!" Lacey begs as she trails behind me.

"I told we are done."

I start to walk down the sidewalk again but, Lacey was having none of that.

"Lachlan you can't!" She begs me, grabbing my hand aggressively.

I turn to her direction and glare at her. I debate removing her hand but, end up doing it anyway. I walk away with absolutely no hesitation. Lacey doesn't even bother to chase after me anymore. She just lets out a loud, high pitched scream.

I quickly walk to my car before she makes up her mind and starts chasing after me again.

There was a rush of adrenalin inside me. My heart was pounding and I was breathing as heavily as I if I just ran a mile. I felt happy and free. All I could was smile.

I drove straight to Natalie's house to tell her I finally broke up with Lacey. I knew exactly what I was going to do. Kiss her as soon as we made eye contact and tell her I was finally free. And to top it all off I will tell her I loved her.

The car shifted from side to side as I drove over Natalie's rock driveway. I practically jumped out of the car. There was just something that added a little more pep in my step. I've known her for almost nine months and I still haven't told her I loved her yet.

The word "Like" was not cutting it. My feelings for Natalie were way stronger than that. Heck, I've seen her in nothing but, a bra and underwear. I think it's appropriate to tell her I loved her.

I knocked on her front door excitedly and waited for someone to answer it. Natalie opened the door and smiled once she realized it was me. "Lach-" She began to say my name but, I cut her off by pressing my lips against hers.

She pulled away from me quicker than I wanted her to. I tried to kiss her again but, she rejected me.

"We can be together now! I just broke up Lacey!" I said sounding like I was out of breath from that small petty kiss. "You really think that you breaking up with Lacey would make me go out with you?" She asked with a slight laugh afterwards.

That adrenalin rush was gone and I felt like I was going to throw up. "If I said yes would that make me sound stupid?"

"Incredibly." She sighed and continued, "We had one date."

I sigh back out of frustration. "You still see me as a bad person don't you?" Once she doesn't respond I feel hurt and rejected. "Don't you!?" I raise my voice. "Does everyone see me that way!? Oh my fucking god! They are right! I'm a fucking monster! A MONSTER!" My voice shakes like I'm about to start crying.

"You're not a monster, Lachlan." Natalie finally says. "Maybe if things were different-" I didn't even let her finish I screamed so loud she jumped back inside a bit. "THINGS ARE NOT GOING TO BE DIFFERENT! IF YOU CAN'T ACCEPT ME FOR MY BAD HABITS I- FUCK IT! I LOVE YOU NATALIE!"

It felt good to get it out but, Natalie clearly didn't like me screaming. Her eyes looked like glass and her hands were trembling. She was crying.

"Natalie." I said softly, feeling guilty. She felt as hurt as I did. All over my stupid flaws. She stepped inside and started closing the door. "I think you should go home." She said just before closing the door.

The cold wooden door felt like a punch in the stomach as I stared at it. Then I felt even worse because she didn't love me back. I opened up to her. She was the first girl I let see me shirtless. Maybe I shouldn't of trusted her so, much. Natalie was afraid of love and so was I.

I then remember she always keeps her front door open during the day. I turn the knob slowly and let myself in. Natalie was already upstairs in her room, blaring music. I slowly walk up the stairs, hoping they won't creak but, they do anyways. Almost every single step it creaks. "Mom I am not in the mood!" Natalie shouts.

A smirk spreads across my face,"Its not your Mom." She screams loudly at the site of me and jumps onto her bed and underneath the covers. The shirt she was just wearing was on the floor so, she was either wearing a tank top or a bra. "Lachlan I only have a bra on!" She shouts. That only makes me laugh. "You can change, I won't look."

She was very hesitant but, she finally changed into a shirt. As promised, I didn't look.

"I didn't cry because you screamed." She said, looking at herself in the mirror. "I cried because you said you loved me and I know I'm not good enough for you."

"What? Natalie! If anything I'm not good enough for you. Relationships aren't supposed to be perfect." I walk towards her, hoping I said the right thing.

"But, you were hurt when I said If things were different. I really meant if I was different, not you. And to answer your question, I do think you are a bad guy." Natalie explains. I felt hurt but, she kept a talking, "Maybe I have a thing for bad guys though. Maybe I'm not a good girl."

I wrap my arms around her waist and she wraps her arms around my neck,"A bad girl, huh? What if I like good girls?" She laughs at my response. "That's good then because I'm defiantly not bad." Natalie then does something I was not expecting. She kisses me. The kiss wasn't something petty. It was slow and passionate just like kisses in movies. I didn't know wether to kiss her back so I just stared into here eyes.

"Why didn't you kiss back?" She asks me. "You wanted me to?" I reply feeling embarrassed. She nods her head with a little laugh.

I finally kiss her back, Natalie walking forward so we were closer to the bed as we kissed. I felt like everything was too perfect. Something that would go horribly wrong but, nothing happened. I sat down on the bed and before I could lay down she got on my lap and started kissing me again. "Does this mean your my girlfriend?" I ask her, slowly grazing my hand up her shirt.

She smiles at me. "No, actually, I like this "Just Friends" thing better." I wanted to tell her right then and there to take my virginty so, I had nothing to regret but, that was never going to happen.

She lifts her arms up, realizing what I was trying to do. "You could've just said something, you know?" She laughs at me as I pulled her shirt over her head. Being the childish people we are she made me take my shirt off also. Basically like,"If I take off my shirt you have to take off yours. If you don't I will tell my mom on you!"

"I love you Lachlan," Natalie says almost massaging my cheeks with her thumbs. Time seems to stop and all you can hear is us breathing. I lay down so, she is too and roll over so, she is the one on her back. "I love you too Natalie."

(Authors Notes)

I am so sorry this chapter is so short! I have been working really hard to finish up the I Still Love You Series. Plus I am trying to post a chapter of The Night Out every week. I still have yet to write the first chapter of Oh, Darling.

I'm just... Overloaded with work I am doing.

As I publish this chapter it will be 8am. I have had zero hours of sleep. I worked on editing Its Over and on the next chapters of TNO and Smile. Every night I stay up until at least 4am editing and writing chapters.

So, I apologize for the short chapter. I am hoping to make Chapter 10 really long but, we will see.

I really hope you guys understand. The next chapter will be up sometime next week <3

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