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He did it. He decided to do it.

Finneas decided to move to New York and start over as a musician. I guess that was what worked the best for him, and deep down he knew it. He tried to call me a few times after the day I yelled at him, but I didn't have the energy to pick up. I knew he tried coming over to my apartment, because the old man from across the hall had reported to me that he saw Finneas walking back and forth in front of my door.

I guess I was selfish. I felt angry towards Finneas because he had the audacity to text me that he decided to move to New York. I was mad at him because he apologized, and it made me feel even worse. Couldn't he just leave without telling me anything? That would've been way easier. Now I couldn't stop picturing the image of him reuniting with his ex. While he will be going on a romantic stroll along the Central Park, I'd be crying alone at home. How pathetic is that?

I decided to skip work today and stay home. I told Becky I was sick. Truth is, I couldn't even get up from my bed. I only got up when I had to pee, and in that moment, someone knocked on my door.

I grunted and walked towards the door, cursing whoever it was who disturbed me on my day off. When I opened the door, I thought I was dreaming because Finneas was standing in front of me, with a little smile on his face. He looked guilty.

"Why are you here?" I asked, and it accidentally came out rude.

"I need a ride to the airport." He said, and showed me the huge suitcase he was holding. "I've sent off my scooter." He gave me a grin, but I scoffed.

"What did you ride on your way here, then?"

"Uber," he answered simply.

I frowned, feeling a little bit annoyed already. "Why don't you just ride an Uber straight to the airport, then? It'll be way easier that way." I was ready to close the door on his face, but he grabbed my hand tightly before I could swing the door.

"Brooke," he called me gently. "We need to talk."

"Talk about what? You already told me that you're going to New York, blah blah blah; and sure, I'd prefer it that way too. You're gonna be better off in New York."

"Why are you so upset?" He asked, losing his patience for a little bit. "As my friend, I really need your support. You've been avoiding me for a few weeks now, and I don't like that. Don't I deserve at least a proper 'goodbye'?"

He was staring at me so intensely, and I couldn't avoid his eyes. My eyes were getting watery, and I've never wanted to cry so much in my life. I couldn't hold it in anymore, and I finally burst out.

"It's because I'm in love with you, alright?" I yelled at him, and he was stunned. "There, I said it. Are you happy now?" I turned to close the door, but his grip only tightened. He looked like he wanted to say something, but it seemed difficult for him to get the words out. He kept opening his mouth and then immediately closing it again.

"I... didn't know," he finally said with a hoarse voice. He let go of his suitcase and pulled me into a hug. I remembered the smell I loved so much, and I cried into his chest. His shirt was immediately wet because of my tears, but he didn't seem to care. He held me tightly in his arms, and it felt so secure. I wanted that moment to last forever. There were just me and him and nothing else.

"I'm so sorry, Brooke," he whispered, his tone was heavy. "I'm sorry."

I finally broke the hug and looked up to his eyes. "You have to swear that you won't let this change your plans. You still have to go to New York, and if you don't, I'll be even angrier."


"Did you hear me, Finneas?" I interrupted, and he had no choice but to nod slowly.

I let out a heavy sigh. "Come in, then. I'll take you to the airport. Just give me time to get ready first."

He dragged his suitcase into my apartment and I closed the door behind him. After seeing him sit comfortably on the couch, I went into my room to get changed.


We arrived at the airport not long before he had to check in. We both were silent on our way here. Finneas seemed to be lost in thought, and I had to stop myself from crying again. I wished something would happen on the way here and he didn't have to leave, but I realized that it was a selfish wish. I knew I had to let him go.

He bought me a cup of coffee as a way of saying thank you. He handed me a warm paper cup and sat beside me, closer than usual. Finneas sipped his own coffee and sighed for maybe the hundredth time that day. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Please don't make me feel worse," I muttered. "I want you to promise me something."

"Anything for you, Brooke."

"Promise me you'll be happy in New York, Finneas. Promise me you'll be a great musician. Promise me you're gonna try starting things up again with the one you really love. Only then I can be happy. Only then I can be proud of you, proud of having loved you at this point in my life. Can you promise me that?"

A few seconds went by before he finally answered, "I promise."

I took out a few pieces of paper from my bag and gave it to him. "I want you to have this song. I made it for you, anyway."

He turned and looked at me in disbelief. "Thanks a lot," he said, "Thank you for everything, Brooke."

The way he said that hurt a lot, and I knew it was time to let him go. I stood up quickly and stretched as a way to contain my emotions.

"I think it's time, Finneas," I said, trying hard to smile at him. I didn't want him to see me crying anymore.

He stood up as well, and we were facing each other with a close distance that somehow felt natural. He held my face, and I let him—he closed his eyes and I did as well. He leaned in and our lips touched. This time, it felt more magical than the rushed, short one at Sizzles. I felt the way my skin brushed against his patchy beard, and I placed my hand on the nape of his neck. There was no more distance between us.

I loved him, I loved him so much.

We finally broke the kiss after a while. He smiled, and it was contagious—I returned the smile.

"Go now, before I cry and wet your shirt again," I said with a grin, and he chuckled lightly.

"Goodbye, Brooke. Until I see you again," he picked up his suitcase and smiled widely at me, his eyes looked more content now.

"Goodbye, Finneas."

I watched him walk away. All I could think about was how I'm gonna miss him. How I'm gonna miss his long blonde hair, his bright blue eyes, his big brown boots, his sweet and friendly smile...

"I love you," I whispered. I knew he couldn't hear it, but it was enough for me. At least he knew how I felt towards him.

At least he knew that however bad it's gonna get, there's always gonna be someone who loves him with all of her heart.


[Author's Note]: Honestly, this chapter was very hard for me to write. I got too emotional, and I hope that didn't mess it up. I love them both so much, and I love writing this story! It's not the end yet, there's still gonna be a few things after this! Thank you very much for those who have been supporting this story by reading, voting, and commenting. Thanks a lot! <3

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