~ Chapter Forty Three ~

Start from the beginning

Kirsten was preparing a small tray with plates and fresh napkins when Cynthia's words gave her pause.

"I remember reading something about his disappearing from the social scene, but I didn't think that meant he was hiding from family, too."

"It was more like a self-imposed exile than hiding, but the lifestyle sections were essentially right."

Everything inside her told her to leave well enough alone, but she simply couldn't help herself from asking, "Was it because of Victoria?"

Heaven help her, she hoped that sounded nonchalant.

"Hmph. If men are naturally stubborn, the Beaumont Boys take the cake and the plate it's served on. Victoria Chambers should've been nothing more than a one-night stand, or even a fling at best, and instead that bi— that woman —nearly wound up a part of this family."

"You didn't like her."

It wasn't a question.

"At first I did. We all did. She was charming and funny, and she seemed to be the only thing that could tear Evan away from his work. I don't think any of us thought it would last, but at least she had the man coming up for air."

Kirsten nodded, but didn't say anything, and Cynthia continued. "Once in a while I would get this feeling, or I would catch this glimpse of her, but I tried to ignore it, especially when I could see Evan finally living for more than Beaumont Industries. Her true character didn't crop up for a good six months, maybe more. How the hell those two got engaged still baffles me — I think it baffles Evan truth be told."

"It was that bad?"

She nodded and helped herself to a sip of tea. "When Victoria realized the jig was up everything went to hell in a heartbeat." She paused for a moment. "In case you haven't noticed Evan and I like to tease each other quite a bit. But I also love that man like my own brother and I would do just about anything for him. I tried for a year to get him to talk about what happened and nothing. It's been almost two years since he called things off and he still stonewalls me to this day when I try to get him to open up. That woman did something to him and he's been different ever since. Well, until now," she added with a smile.

"Until now?"

"Until you."

Kirsten felt her damnable cheeks inflame with colour and Cynthia grinned so widely she couldn't help but join in with her own smile.

"When you light up like that, it's easy to see how Evan fell so hard."

"E-excuse me?"

"Oh, I won't ask you what you did or how you did it, but just know this entire family owes you a debt of gratitude. If I didn't think I'd be stuck there all day, I would be on my hands and knees thanking you myself."

Kirsten's pulse began spinning and all she could manage was, "You would? I mean... they do?"

"Of course. Any fool can see how much he loves you. I know Evan better than just about anyone and— Kirsten, are you okay?"

"No! I mean, yes. I'm fine." She consciously slowed her speed as she walked by Cynthia and attempted what she hoped was a composed smile. "I just have to go to the washroom and then I'll grab the guys. The coffee and cake are almost ready. I'll be right back."


"We shouldn't be discussing this here," John said, and pushed the door behind him and took a seat on the long sofa tucked against the back of the room.

Evan took his typical post at the edge of his desk and rested his hands in the pocket of his trousers. "It's fine," he assured him.

"Is it? Kirsten and Cyn are within spitting distance of us and we're casually talking about embezzlement and fraud as if you're jotting down the recipe for your lava cake."

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