~ Chapter Twenty Four ~

Start from the beginning

Patrick's expression clenched into a series of frustrated lines. "What about family? You should have included us, Evan."

"We get too much attention in the lifestyle section as it is, Dad. I wanted to avoid putting Kirsten under a microscope, especially since our business partnership isn't finalized. You know what the gossips are going to say; she married me for money, and I proposed because I want to secure a merger and my position at the head of Beaumont Industries."

Which is precisely what happened, Kirsten thought. But who would be so bold as to actually say such a thing to the man's face?

"It sounds like you've got an answer for everything, boy."

"My father trained me well."

"Hmph. I still want to see proof of this marriage. Hell, neither of you are even wearing wedding rings."

"I'll fax you the marriage certificate when I get home."

"If that's an attempt at humour, I'm not laughing."

He turned his attention back to Kirsten and she felt herself wilt in her chair. "And what have you got to say in all of this? Hmm?"

She licked her parched lips and smoothed out an imaginary wrinkle from her skirt. Heaven help her, was every room she entered a thousand degrees today?


"I— I can't wait to meet the rest of your family?"

His expression instantly softened when he heard the quiver in her voice. Her timidity and decided effort at a courageous reply diffused the explosive situation though, and he smiled at her without malice.

"That's a damn good answer, missy. Family means everything. I suppose it was Evan's idea to keep your relationship a secret, wasn't it? Don't bother answering that. I can already tell you're about to defend him. A smart wife does that, even if she has to bring him in line behind closed doors. It shows loyalty and commitment. I like that." He turned back to Evan and allowed his frown to once again encase his features. "So, now what?"

Strangely enough, Patrick Beaumont's question also left her dumbfounded. What were they supposed to do now?  Thankfully neither man appeared interested in what she was thinking at the moment, so she pushed her thoughts aside and focused back on the conversation.

"You do know that if you've been up to something and I find out, there's going to be hell to pay."

"I'm sure there will, Dad. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do."

"What about Kirsten?"

He thumbed through his messages again and picked out one or two that required his immediate attention. "What about her? She's only here as a courtesy to you. I didn't think you would really believe I was married unless she stood here in the flesh."

"Damn right," he agreed.

"She's got her own schedule at Travis Enterprises, and I imagine we're holding her up." He held a hand out to his trembling wife. "I'll walk you down."

Patrick took a commanding step forward and virtually plucked her from her chair. "You just back off, boy. She's my daughter-in-law now, so I'll walk her down. I'm not about to let you drop her in my lap and then swoop her out of here in the same breath. Hell, I've barely heard the girl say a dozen words. I want to get to know her."

He nodded with a perfunctory sharpness. "Fine. She'll meet you outside."

As soon as she heard the door click on Patrick's exit she turned on him in a whirlwind, unaware that a large spring of curls escaped from her coif. She must have been fidgeting again.

"This is horrible!" she said in a stage-like whisper.

"I thought something like this might happen."

"You what!?"

"It was always a possibility. He'll probably only ask you a few questions."

"You sonofa—"

"Pull your claws back, kitten. My intentions were good. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to worry you needlessly."

"Apparently there was a need, Evan," she said through gritted teeth. "What if he asks me things I don't know? I can't remember the names of all your brothers and sisters. Or their children! Oh god, who's Mary's father?"

"Relax. If he corners you with something you don't know, just tell him you can't think straight when you're nervous. He'll believe that."

"I can't see why that won't be true," she said as he pushed her reluctantly towards the set of doors. "I haven't been able to think straight in days."

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