Interesting things happen when you put an introvert with an extrovert.

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"Just do it!" Casey reached up and knocked on the door, grimacing as he heard a loud bang. There was frantic whispering and two minutes later Adam was at the door, looking rather dazed and his hair a slight mess. Breanne held back a chuckle.

"What?" He asked, rather croakily, blinking frantically.

"Urm, I was wondering if you were ready, we set off today and the trip going to be long and boring, so unless your going to wright anything, your invited to the Doctor Who movie marathon," The other boy looked kind of scared, though Adam simply nodded and turned back around.

"Oh by the way, have you seen Ivy? I need her to try out some of my clothes," Breanne asked. Adam simply went a light shade of red and shook his head.

The two shared a knowing look and turned to leave. As the brown-haired lad shut the door, they pressed their ears too it. "I'm so sorry," He muttered, "I-I'm not usually..."

"If it's any consolation, I'd like that for a second time, maybe we'd actually finish without interruptions,"

"Not a chance, I swore I wouldn't until I was married, I'm not like that Ives, sorry,"

"That's ok, Just hurry up with that proposal," They could practically feel Adam's blush tradiating through the door when she said that. In fact, they knew that by now Ivy would be grinning like an idiot and by the slight muffled ness, Adam would have his tomato-ised face stuffed under a pillow.

"Your cousin wanted you, go find her, don't come back," The harshness surprised them all, but Breanne and Case took that as their leave and shifted away from the room.


I sat on my bed, bottom bunk as always, seeing as the top somewhat scared me, as if it would collapse in the middle of the night. But as I lay there all I could think was one thing-Am I weird? Strange because I'm not constantly attracted to some girls? I must be.

No Adam, you're just decent.



I sighed and rested my head in my hands, trying to block out the world. Only to hear the door open, with a sigh, I looked up to see who had invaded my thoughts. "Whattaya want Ivy?"

"To know if you actually have hormones,"

"Course I do," He retorted.

"Ahhh, but do you? When was the last time you showed any interest in a girl? Go on, you can't lie to yourself,"

"I...Since Annemarie,"

"And that was what, three, four years ago?" She leaned against the wall, smiling cockily.

"Stop it,"

"You're really know," That did it for him, he shot up out of the bed and shoved her against the wall, eyes hard, he shoved a hand over her mouth.

"Shut..up...just shut up..." he hissed, Her eyes widened, she brought her hand up and removed his hands from her mouth, but didn't speak instead she just stared him right in the eyes.

"Or what?" She challenged. He shoved her against the wall again, much harder this time, so she actually cried out in pain, but this time he kept a firm grip on her shoulders, his face in close proximity of hers.

"I. Am. Not. Weird," He whispered, his eyes staring into hers, hers that were now full of tears. She was scared, scared of little old, harmless as a baby penguin, him. He became very aware of how close he was to her, his breath blowing on her lips. Without even thinking, he slammed his lips to hers, a hungry and dominant feeling that he didn't know existed in him was suddenly everything.

She responded immediantly, Her hands roaming underneath his top before making them busy on the buttons on his shirt. She pushed her tongue against his lip, forcing it into his mouth. Their tongues battled, only to pull away as she pulled his shirt over his head, with his head. She moved them downwards to an area that is best left unmentioned. He gasped out into her mouth, moaning then his hands hesitantly slid under her shirt.

A knock on the door interrupted them both. Adam looked panicked whilst Ivy simply straightened out her hair. Sorting out his clothes and blindly running a hand through his hair after an exchange of panicked whispers he answered the door. His mind still replaying the events of a minute ago.

"....if your not writing songs you are invited to our doctor who marathon," he nodded, only getting a snippet of the sentance.

Have you seen Ivy? I need her try on some of my clothes," he blushed and shook his head, shutting the door behind him before faceplanting into a pillow.

A day Adam! You've known her for a day, Breanne's gonna kill you. You nearly gave your virginity to up for a delinquent you've known a day. Mentally scolding himself he turned to apologise to the blonde. He felt like he had made a mistake...that he admittedly enjoyed. With the weight of the world on his shoulders, he told the girl he was waiting till marriage, and that it was spur of the moment.

It was wasn't it....?

Bombshell Blonde-Owl City FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin