Chapter 2

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"Thank you Mrs. Aerdale" Alex said as she wiped her mouth of any leftover pizza grease. Mom waved it away

"Think nothing of it dear, its been years since Max has brought a friend home. And please, call me Karen."

I ducked my head at the mention of my being nonsocial, as I started cleaning up the kitchen. Alex got up and started drying the dishes that I'd already washed

"Really? I couldn't tell. Max has been incredibly generous and hospitible"

She shot me that sexy crooked grin. This time it said 'hehe hint hint'. The beauty of her hit me like a wave and my hand, which was washing the pizza cutter, and I cut my wrist from the inside of my elbow to my wrist

"OW!!! shit!!!!" I staunched the blood with a fresh dish towel. "Are you okay?!" Alex shrieked.

"Yeah" I grunted "I'll be fine"

"Here, let me do it" Akex whispered and gently took the dish towel from me and put gentle pressure on the cut; slowly, the blood flow was letting up.

"How'd you cut yourself hun?" My mom asked, vaguely interested as she scrolled through text messages from her work.

"Something caught me by surprise" I muttered, shooting a pointed look at Alex, who gave me a small smile.


After we finished the dishes and actually did some work on the project, it was 7:30. So I offered to walk Alex home.

"Thanks for having me!" Alex added

"Anytime sweetie!" Mom answered her. Alex's house was just a few streets away.

"So" I sighed, staring at her front door "see you tomorrow?"

She grinned "You betcha!" She put an arm around my neck and pulled me in for a quick kiss. 

"G'night Max" she said softly as she pulled back. 

"Good night" I smiled as I left

Alex's P.O.V

As I closed the door behind me, I lived out the cliche and sighed while practically melting against the door

"Mmmm......momma I'm home!"

Mymom poked her head around the corner, with an enormous grin on her face

"Must've been a pretty good first day if your calling me that. How'd it go??"

I flopped down on the couch and used her lap as a pillow

"I met someone" I grinned"

"Oh?" she smiled "Do tell"

"Her name is Max. She's tall, like I have to look up  at her...then again I am a midget. Anyways, she likes all the same bands as me and sh's gay too!" (My mom knows I'm gay and supports me). Mom brushed a piece of hair off my face 

"Sorry, your height is my fault....but she sounds great! Did you already eat?"

"Yeah, sorry" I nodded "Her mom invited me to stay for dinner, I forgot totell you."

"Yes well your forgetfulness is excused cuz you met someone" Mom chuckled as she got up and wandered into the kitchen to make herself dinner

"I met her in bio, we have aproject together, we have to study mono"

Mom threw me a devilish grin "Ya know.... the best way to study a non-lethal disease is to catch it.."

I rolled my eyes but gave her a devil grinright back "I don't think so, but I'll do my best anyway" I winked and gave her a salute "I'm off to bed, school was tiring"

" Kay, g'night"

I grinned when I got to my room.

"School wasn't the only thing...." I giggled to myself. As I fell asleep, I thoughtof beautiful golden brown eyes......I think I'm gonna love it here...

A/N Sorry its so short, I kinda mooshed chapter 2 and 3 together and cut some shtuff out. How is it so far? Comments?

Yours Alone (Lesbian stories)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ