Chapter 8

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Max's POV

When we got to Alex's house, we just walked right in.
"Mooom!!! we're home!!!" she yelled
Melanie's head poked around the corner.
"Hey guys!!! How are ya Max?"
I smiled weakly "A little nervous" Melanie's smile disappeared
"How come?"
Alex answered for me when she saw my tortured expression.
"Uh, Max came out to her mom before we left, and it doesn't sound like she's ok with it..."
Melanie frowned, looking sad.
"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. Sadly, not everyone agrees with it." She laid a comforting hand on my shoulder "You're always welcome here hun" she smiled gently.
I smiled sadly back at her "Thanks, I appeciate it....I brought the movie"
"Thanks, now you guys go get settled on the couch, pop in the movie, and I'll bring the food in"
Hand in hand we walked into the living room. I put the disc in the dvd player and sat down on the right side of the couch and Alex curled up right beside me, folding her legs beside her on the couch, and resting her head on my shoulder. Melanie came in with three plates of food, her eyes softened when they landed on us.
"Alrighty, lets get this started" she said in a sing song voice and plopped down into the recliner with her food. She pressed play and settled into her chair. Alex jumped quite a bit and had to bury her face in my shoulder at the gorey bits.
Before I knew it, the movie was over and I had to go.
"I should get going" I yawned and slowly got up.
"Good luck with your mom" Alex looked up at me
"Thanks" I bent down and kissed her once gently.
"Thanks for having me" I straightened up and looked over at Melanie to see her already smiling at me. "Anytime, remember, you're always welcome here"
I smiled "I will, thank you"

When I got home, mom was already there waiting for me, she was home early. I had hardly shut the door when she pounced.
"How do you know you're gay??"
I swallowed
"Cuz I notice girls, and am attracted to them, but not guys..and I'm pretty sure I'm in love with Alex"
Her jaw tightened
"So that's it? You're sure? You're not mistaken? "
"Yes" I nodded
"Get out. I will not live under the same roof as you. You have 10 minutes to pack"

Melanie's P.O.V

"I'm going to have to scrape you off of that couch!" I grinned at Alex. As soon as Max had kissed her goodbye, she had all but melted against the couch.
"Mmmm....she's amazing..." she smiled blissfully. It was nice to see her so happy. I loved Max already for having this effect on Alex.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Curiously, I went to answer it. When I opened it, I was surprised to see Max. Tears were streaming down her paper white face, with a bulging backpack slung over her shoulder.

Alex's P.O.V

My amazing half-dreams were broken by the sound of sniffling.
"C-can I stay h-here...?"
That couldn't be. Panic swept through me. I got off the couch and walked down the hallway. When I got to the door, I saw a pale faced Max standing in the foyer with tears streaming down her face, an overpacked backpack beside her.
"S-she kicked m-me out" she stuttered, staring at me looking broken and lost.
"Oh honey...." I walked over and wrapped my arms around her neck, hugging her close to me. Slowly, shakily, she wrapped her arms around me. Burying her face in my hair, her shoulders were shaking with quiet sobs.
"Shh, shh, I'm here...I'm here" I stroked her hair gently. In my peripheral vision, I saw mom carry Max's backpack upstairs to the spare room.
A low keening sound came from deep within Max and her shaking strengthened. Once her sobs quieted, I whispered to her gently "let's get you to bed, ok?" She pulled back and nodded. When we got to the spare room, Max's pyjamas were laid out on the bed. She quickly changed into them and crawled under the sheets still sniffling. I knelt next to her and stroked her temple until she fell asleep.

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