Sebastian M. X Reader

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Your p.o.v

you head out of your room into the darkness of the hallway. You believed everyone to be asleep so you tiptoed in the halls so you weren't to wake anyone. you were about to head down stairs when you heard a familiar voice behind you," May i help you with something?" the voice said. You knew this voice anywhere it was none other then the butler of the Phantomhive manor, the well know demon butler to be exact Sebastian Michaelis master Ciel's main butler (due to the fact he's the only one), thought you never knew the story of how he came about you never really bothered to ask at them. You turned around,and jumped a bit as you did so, to meet the pale face butler "I uh I was going to the kitchen to go grab a snack. My stomach was growing so loud it woke me up" you said a bit shaken up by his sudden appearance,"Oh? Well how about next time you let me know, sneaking about the manor at night can lead to bad things .Please don't ever think you are a bother to me if anything is needed just let me room is right next y to yours so I would hear the call." you blushed a bit from embarrassment and from the fact Sebastian was only inches from your face "Uh yes of course. My deepest apologies Sebastian" you bowed a bit and then felt a hand pull your chin up, it was Sebastians hand he brought you close to him and with him only inches away from your lips you turned a even darker red. "Are you still in the mood of a snack Ms.L/N?" you nodded a bit as his hand moved from your face to your hand. You did not realize what he was doing until the two of you where in the kitchen,"i was going to serve this for tomorrows dessert but i added something new and needed a taste tester" he said glancing over to you as he cut off a small piece of pit and laid it in front of you."uh Sebastian this is lord Ciel's favourite type of pie what could have you done to it? He loves when you make this pie" , "What if I failed him and he doesn't like the new adding?" you nodded knowing what he meant," If that happened what-","Kind of butler would you be' yea yea I get it" you said taking his line he smiled but it more of that...'why you little shit' smile he continued anyway. "Okay before we get started we must mix the batter" he handed you a whisk and walked to you with a bowl in his hand he gave it to you and you begin to mix. Once you where done Sebastian came up behind you and looked over your shoulder. "Perfect no lumps and perfectly smooth." He picked up the bowl and brought it over to the pan,"Okay no-" he stopped when he noticed that you had cake batter on your face. He let out a small chuckle and came up to you ,"Why,how on earth did you manage to get cake batter on your face my lady? " you looked at him and he smirked grabbed your chin, before you could reach your face to check for the batter, and came close to your cheek,"Excuse me my lady if you dont mind." And before you could question him you felt his tounge graze over cheek and lick off the batter. You let out a small squeak and blushed hard,"Uh...uh ...Mister Sebastian? " you studdered and looked into his crimson eyes as he backed away and looked at your blushing face. He pulled your body closer to his and pinned you against the wall,then grazed your neck with his lips which caused you to shiver. He pulled away then came closer to your face with your lips only inches away from his."I've been waiting for this moment for a while now." He said huskily drawing near to you ,"Sebastian! What are you doing? Bad demon! Bad! " Ciel came out of the dark hallway and then into the lit up kitchen with a spray bottel and squirted it at the Butler ,"Young master please do relax and put the bottle down."Sebastian said and as Ciel came closer the further away Sebastian was," If I told you once, I've told you many times before." With that Ciel squeezed the trigger of the spray bottle and it came in contact with Sebastian. He made a hissing and ran into the dark where all that could be seen where his fusha coloured eyes,"Uh, if you don't mind me asking, what's in that bottle? " your asked confused and Ciel looked up at you with a triumphant smile, "Oh this? Just holy water... The only thing that actually bothers Sebastian. I learned that a while back it's fun to use its like spraying water in a cat." Ciel grabbed your hand and showed you back upstairs, "I have a while stash of sweets I keep from Sebastian so if you're every looking for a snack just know I've got some." He winked and stuck or his tounge to the shadows lurking about the room.

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