Chapter 17 "Training with Master Hector"

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Alexandra's POV

"Did you practice?" Hector asked me as we arrived.

"I did... sort of..." I replied.

"Good 'cause we're having our battle training tonight." He said.

"To-Tonight...?" I asked in a panic tone.

"Yes. It looks like you are going into far places without letting us know. How can we protect you if you're kept doing that? So we planned to train you with all of us one by one. You have to prove us that you can be independent." –Hector.


Hector' POV


"Alex...?" –Kenneth.

"Yes, I heard that Alex is getting better and better." –Mrs. Lori. "And Ronnie told me that she's smart."

"But she's not ready!" –Kenneth.

"I bit she is. Alex even survived from her first experience in the Mystic World. You think that I don't know?" –Mrs. Lori replied. "Hector, I'll put Alex to your group. In that way your group will be more advanced. I know you're also a great leader."

Mr. Ronnie opened the door and entered Mrs. Lori's office.

"Watch over her, Hector. She's also weak." –Mr. Ronnie.

"I will sir." I answered.


I don't know why Mrs. Lori wants Alex to join us on this mission.

I even do not show up myself to report any improvements of her to Mrs. Lori.

How can she even say about Alex like that?


Alexandra's POV

After a meeting with Hector and the others, I felt so uncomfortable about thinking the training later.

Jimmy will help me out later on the training since Hector is more powerful.


I felt so exhausted already.

What am I doing here? I'm so useless. I'm too weak, too weak, and too weak...

I can't beat them.

I can't beat him.

I even can't beat myself.

"I'm so useless!" I yelled.


Faith's POV

I saw Alex face palming while seating all alone in the corner.

"Is Alex alright?" I asked the others.

"She'll be fine." –Steven.

"She has no other choice. She has to face it. Ha ha..." –Cindy


Alexandra's POV

"Alex!" –Cindy.

I turned around so I could see her.

She waved at me and patting a space behind her.

She wants me to seat beside her.

I stood up and with beside her.

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