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Hello, you!

Welcome to whatever the hell this book really is - a little collection of all the sporadic and weird ass story ideas I have gotten over the past few years and decided to put into a little book of their own so I don't have a hundred damned drafts on my page.

So, if you couldn't tell by the title, this is a set of story options that you, the reader, can choose/vote on for me to write when I have completed a story that I am currently working on. However, I may not have the time to do so often as I am currently doing a university course.

The '✔' mark on the titles of the chapters means that the marked stories have been uploaded/are completed/are in progress on this website, but may not be on the other websites I post on - Quotev, Archive of Our Own and Inkitt.

Check out what I have in this book, and leave a comment on the last chapter - the "Voting Page" of the story.

- Frosch xo -

MONACHOPSIS, upcoming storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora