31 · why

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A/N: song recommendation for this chapter: I'm Yours by Alessia Cara

Chapter Thirty-One | Louis' P.O.V.

I can barely make out the figures before me through the tears in my eyes. But I don't doubt what I see: Harry's lips attached to some girl's.

A pit forms in my stomach and nausea hits me like a brick. As tears roll freely down my cheeks, I can't help but think - and pray - that this is a dream. Just some cruel, twisted nightmare; far, far away from reality.

Harry's eyes snap open and connect with mine, and for a split second, I see the slightest hint of regret behind them. In an instant, Harry pushes himself away from the girl latched onto him and shoves through the crowd in my direction.

I start in the opposite direction without looking back. I'm fed up with his shit.

As soon as I step outside, the cool autumn air wraps itself around me, sending a shiver down my spine. I cross my arms, hoping to provide some warmth, but it doesn't seem to work.

"Lou..." Harry's voice echos through my ears and I feel tears prick at my eyes.

"Why?" I mumble, my voice nearly inaudible. When I'm answered with silence, I raise my voice. "I don't know what sick game you're playing, but I'm done letting you play it with me!" Harry stands in front of me, speechless, and I keep talking. This time, my voice cracks and my words come out as a faint whisper. "I thought we... I thought you..."

"You thought I what..." he questions, confusion laced in his tone.

"Forget it," I sigh, looking at the ground. "It was stupid."

"What?" he repeats.

I shake my head, not wanting to sound naïve. "It doesn't change anything."

"Tell me," he urges, taking a step closer to me. "You thought I what?"

I take a deep breath and close my eyes, forcing the words out of my mouth. "I thought you... I don't know, I thought you were maybe... Into me." I pause, and he remains silent. "It was just a stupid idea I got stuck in my head, you're clearly into girls, and I-"

"Lou..." He sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"No, you don't have to say anything," I assure him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"Lou..." He tries again, but I continue talking over him.

"There's nothing else to say, it's done now, and I won't-"

"Louis!" My name escapes his mouth as a growl, making me shut up and listen. "It wasn't stupid."

I stare at him in confusion, not understanding.

"You're right, I am into girls." His words knock the air out of my lungs. "I'm also into guys."

I shake my head, not allowing myself to believe his words. "So you are into me?"

He lets out a long sigh and looks everywhere other than my eyes. "It's more complicated than that." He runs his hands through his hair, searching for the right words. "I was just looking to have some fun. I shouldn't have strung you along."

I nod my head, refusing to acknowledge his statement. So many thoughts flood my mind. He's into guys. He's into me. But he doesn't want me? So I'm just some toy to him. "I'm gonna go home," I state, spinning on my heals and making my way across the street.

"I'm your ride," Harry calls after me, taking a few steps behind me.

"I'll walk," I call back, not bothering to slow down or look behind me.

"Let me at least drop you off," he offers. "It's late and it's not safe."

"I can fucking take care of myself," I snap.

A/N: it's a short chapter but i needed to get it published in anticipation for next chapter...

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