“I will,” they answered, and the threads pressing into their skin sank into them and became part of them, as they became part of each other.

“With these words, you bind your lives and your love. Your magic now flows as one, between one, and of one person. Together, you will be stronger, for what was once your own strength will now be shared between you both. Together, you will be happier, for what was once your own happiness will now be shared between you both. Together, you will be fiercer, for what was once your own fierceness will now be shared between you both. One’s happiness will mean both’s happiness and likewise, both’s sadness. Nurture, care, and protect each other, and your love will last forever. With these words, I pronounce you one, as husband and wife,” Kingsley finished, and the pair’s still clasped wrist flashed a brilliant light, before settling, signalling the final solidification of the bond.

“What do we do know?” Hermione whispered to her husband, who smiled at her.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“I mean… in muggle weddings, the end of the ceremony is usually signalled by the priest saying, you know, ‘you may kiss the bride’ and such. Is there something we’re supposed to do at the end after the flash, or do we just walk out? I didn’t really think too much about what having a wizard wedding would mean, and the traditions behind it and-” He cut off her rambling with a kiss. Just as it was the first two times, his gentle touch stole her breath and she had to take a deep breath to regain it. Slowly, their lips caressed each other, slipping together as perfectly as a puzzle piece. Softly, she sighed as everything felt right when he kissed her. Despite everything that had happened between them, happened to them… it all melted away when he held her as though he were holding the world.

“Will that suffice for your first kiss as Madam Snape?” he whispered as he pulled back, his voice slightly sultry, sending a subtle shiver down her spine. His breath tickled her lips, and she longed for them to kiss again. She moved to press up into his mouth when…

“Blimey. Two days in and they’re already making out. She wouldn’t even kiss me until we were practically on death’s door,” Ron ‘muttered’ loudly, clearly deliberate in his volume.

Hermione turned to face him, practically shaking with her anger and hurt. Part of her wanted to scream at him, punch him, cry and call him the hypocrite that he is, but then Severus grabbed her hand. She looked at him, and his eyes soothed her soul. A wave of calm understanding rushed over her and she sighed before turning to Ron.

“Say what you like Ronald. It’s not going to change the fact that I am now Hermione Jean Snape, and I am allowed to kiss my husband if I so wish. Like so,” she said, before turning to said husband, grabbing him around the back of his neck, and pulling herself up to meet his lips as he bent down. This kiss wasn’t as soft as the others, but just as breathtaking, as their lips pushed against each other a few times before breaking. When she looked into Severus’s eyes, she thought she saw a flash of want, but before she could look too deeply, Ron interrupted with an exaggerated gagging sound.

“If you are so astoundingly appalled by our relationship, you were absolutely free to ignore our invite. It was mainly extended to the rest of the Weasley clan after all,” Severus replied, making a show of pulling Hermione close to him, until their bodies pressed together. 

Ron huffed and puffed and his face turned red, but a sharp look from Molly silenced whatever comment he was winding up to make and he simply huffed once more before standing and storming out of the nave, the door slamming shut behind him. Only after he left did Hermione let herself slouch slightly, her mood severely dampened by his childish behavior. She looked to her husband, who looked back at her with sad understanding, and she felt another wave of calm rush her way, with warmth in the undertones to drive away her upset at Ron’s hypocriticism. She pushed a small smile onto her face and sent the warmth back, seeing the same smile reflected on her husband.

“Come along, Madam Snape,” Severus said fondly, “let’s head for our honeymoon.” He took her hand and began walking down the aisle, dragging her behind him.

“Honeymoon?” she asked. He looked at her over his shoulder.

“Since we didn’t get to go about this the proper way, I’ll do my best to do everything else right by you. This includes taking you on a honeymoon. It’s not something that’s often done in the Wizarding World, but I’ve heard that it’s very uncommon for a newlywed couple not to go on a honeymoon. Thus, I’m sure you’ve thought about your honeymoon plenty, so a honeymoon we shall have,” he explained as they walked through the halls. Only after noticing the looks she was getting did she realize that she was still in her wedding gown.

“Severus. Severus, wait,” she said, laughing at his rush to get to their honeymoon. He halted and turned.

“What is it?” he asked. She looked down at herself.

“I’m still in my wedding dress. Let me go change into somethin-” she was cut off with another quick peck.

“Keep it on. You look lovely, and I would hate to lose such a beautiful dress that could be an heirloom or a keepsake to transfiguration,” he said, his arm coming around her waist to pull her close. Their chests pressed together, and again she saw a flash of heat in his eyes, unmistakable this time. It caused a similar heat to flash in her, and she could feel her cheeks warm at his blatant affection and want.

“Alright. But it’s difficult to move in. With the pace you’re keeping, I’ll trip,” she said softly, neither of them noticing that more looks were being thrown their way, nor the subtle cameras capturing their moment.

“I have a solution for that,” the man murmured back, before pulling away slightly.

“And just what is that!” she exclaimed out of surprise as Severus scooped her into his arms, bridal style. She laughed as she realized what he was doing, both out of embarrassment and joy.

“Severus,” she said between her laughter, “put me down!” It was clear, however, that she was enjoying the treatment, so he didn’t.

“Severus! We’re in public!” she tried again, attempting to make her voice more stern, but failing. At this point, the man in question was chuckling slightly as well, but still, he continued on his path, and didn’t set her down until they reached the floo. As they did, she looked at the ash in the floo suspiciously.

“This won’t stain the dress or anything, will it?” she asked.

“No, it shouldn’t. And if it does somehow stain the dress, you can easily get rid of it with a cleaning spell,” he assured. Still, she looked hesitant.

“I would offer carrying you through the floo, but we both know why that is a dreadful idea,” he said, and she nodded.

“The dress will be fine, love. We’ve got to hurry if we want to have time to pack before heading to the portkey,” he reassured once more. He grasped for their bond, still new and fragile, and sent a wave of reassurance and calm along it, watching as the tension left his wife’s shoulders. Then, he stepped close and pressed a kiss to her forehead before moving into the floo.

"I'll see you in a moment," he said, and then the green flames whisked him away. Hesitantly, she hiked up her dress skirt, stepped in, and shut her eyes as the flames consumed her as well.

What's up, my creatives! Uncreative here!

Bada! *jazz hands* After ten thousand years, I have risen! I return to you with the gift of halfassed updates because someone commented and reminded me that this is actually getting read by people. So Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday! Happy Quarantine! Enjoy the bullshit ending to the chapter. Also, you guys should totally go check out my story Sleeping Arrangements cause I have so much more written for that and stocked up, and I honestly like that story better but it's got like, negative reads at this point and that makes me kinda sad. Right, done with the #shamelessselfpromo. Wordy County.

Word Count: 2166

In case no one has told you today, you are beautiful, handsome, valid and important! I loev you!

Peace out, my broskis, siskis, and theyskis! Uncreative out!

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