Chapter 4

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As she stumbled out of the floo system, she felt two strong arms catch her. Looking up, she saw Severus smirking down at her.

"You'd think you'd never flooed before," he said humorously. She smiled back, righting her footing as she did.

"Ha ha, very funny. I've never been a fan of magical transportation, even if it is quicker," she said playfully, poking his arm. Even though it had only been a day, they were much more comfortable around each other. They felt at ease in each other's presence.

"Shall we go get married, then?" the man asked, offering her his hand. Lacing her fingers with his, she looked at him fondly.

"We shall," she said, and they entered the flow of people. As they walked, Hermione couldn't help but notice the people glancing at them, staring at them, and moving around them, being careful not to touch them as though they were dangerous. Severus noticed as well, but he was used to it. He was an ex-death eater, the man who killed Dumbledore, and was known to be rude and harsh.

"Why must they stare at us like we're some kind of zoo feature?" Hermione said irritatedly.

"It's not everyday that they see one of the Golden Trio holding hands with an ex-death eater, let alone the man who killed the great Dumbledore," Snape said nonchalantly. Hermione huffed.

"Well, I'll have none of it. Everyone makes mistakes, it just so happened that yours were publicized. I'm sure they would be looked at as well if their mistakes were out for the world to see," she ranted loudly, so that the people looking would hear, that way they knew they were caught. Immediately, the people stopped staring, their eyes snapping away in flusterment.

"The bubble of space around us, however. I can live with that," she whispered to Severus, who chuckled lowly and rolled his eyes affectionately. As they went on, they talked more, just of things they noticed during their walked. Before they knew it, they were outside the Pairing office, waiting for their turn to confirm their match. It wasn't a long wait. Not many people were fond of the idea of getting married as soon as possible.

"Names and ages please," the person at the counter said, not lifting their head from the paper. They both just glanced at each other before Snape cleared his throat.

"Severus Snape, age 38," he said. The clerk looked up in shock, their eyes widening when they spotted Hermione.

"Hermione Granger, age 19," she said, snapping the clerk out of their daze.

" Please write your names on this paper," the person said hesitantly, gesturing to a paper and quill that was on the table. The two smirked at each other before Severus picked up the quill and handed it to Hermione.

"Ladies first," he said flirtatiously. Hermione giggled and took it, writing the man's name on the paper. Then she handed it to her fiance, taking his left hand in hers. Once he'd finished writing her name, it once again glowed a brilliant platinum, baffling the clerk.

"One moment please," they said, before running off to get what the pair assumed to be their boss.

"What is the issue?" they asked before glancing at the paper, their mouth falling agape. After a series of people running in and running out to fetch their superior, the Minister, who they know as Kingsley, appeared.

"Ah, I must've forgotten to tell the historian about your platinum!" he said as he approached, a jolly smile on his face. The couple smiled at him.

"It's good to see you again," Hermione said. Kingsley smiled, before shaking their unoccupied hands.

"You've caused quite a stir, you two. The whole ministry is in a frenzy trying to figure out what to do. But it's nice to see you two have gotten cozy. I saw you two in the living room at Grimmauld. Very sweet," he said teasingly, making Hermione blush. Severus let go of her hand, making Hermione think he was embarrassed, but instead of leaving his arm hanging at his side, he looped it around her waist, pulling her into his side and genuinely smiling at the minister.

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