Chapter 2

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Okay so real quick, um... WHAT?! This story is ranked TENTH in Marriage law! WHAT!? I am JUNGSHOOK! Sorry 'bout that. Only ARMY will get it. You know who you are. But seriously how is this story, which has 19 views and ONE vote number TEN on a ranking? Like, I saw the story after mine. It has, like, 16k views, 500 somethin' votes and is actually completed. How did THIS beat THAT? I have no idea how rankings work, but whoever chose to put me in 10th, thank you so much!!! Seeing that actually made me want to write again!!! Now that I'm done DYING over this, let's get to this looong overdue CHAPTER TWO!

It was the day after Severus and Hermione had found out that they were a platinum pair, and Hermione had already gathered her things and moved them to Prince Manor.

"It's going to happen soon, may as well get it done and over with now instead of waiting until later," she'd said. Snape knew that the real reason was that she wouldn't be able to stay in the same house as Ronald any longer. Not after what had happened.

In the morning, Snape went about his day as usual. He left his bed in his underclothes and went to the kitchen, having forgotten that another person was now living in the house. When he got to the kitchen, he was shocked to find a humming Hermione cooking. She turned and smiled at him, one of his bathrobes tied loosely around her showing that she too, was in just her underclothes. She'd already accepted the fact that they would both eventually have to see each other fully naked and was comfortable with the minor lack of clothing. Severus, on the other hand, was not.

"Ah!" He exclaimed as he rounded the corner and ran back to his room. After a minute, he returned in a black bathrobe. He had tied it tightly around him so it covered as much of his body as it could reach, which was not much. It barely reached his mid-thigh, like Hermione's. The neckline dipped low down the middle of his chest, showing it's smooth ivory surface.

"Good morning to you too," Hermione said, her voice amused. He scowled at her and then moved to make coffee.

"I've already made some. It's on the counter. I can't do anything without it. I would've brought you a cup, but I don't know how you like your coffee made. But if I had to guess..."

"Black," they said at the same time. She looked at him and chuckled softly.

"You really like black, don't you?" she said, mostly rhetorically. He scoffed in response and poured his coffee. She turned back to the stove and flipped the pancake she had in the pan. He leaned against the counter behind her as he sipped his coffee.

"So... What would you like to do today?" he asked, looking her over from behind. He had to admit, the spell had been right about the physical compatibility. The young bushy-haired buck-toothed girl was no more. What stood before him was a beautiful young woman with excellent curves, and her hair tamed into a loose bun, and his body was reacting to such a beautiful young woman dressed so scantily.

"I don't know..." Hermione responded distractedly. He knew that she must've been thinking about Ron. Before he could even think it through, his coffee was on the counter. He crossed the kitchen in two long strides, and in moments was standing behind her, his hands resting gently on her waist. Her hands, which had been pushing the pancake around the pan absentmindedly, stilled, and she turned her head to look at Severus. After a moment, he spoke.

"May I... may I kiss you?" he asked, his voice smooth, like velvet. She looked stunned for a moment before her eyes flicked to his lips and she nodded. Gentle as a feather, he kissed her, and all the breath that had been in her lungs disappeared. It was the first time she'd experienced a kiss so soft, like a gentle caress. All her kisses with Ron were slobbery and messy, full of tongue and spit. It was never loving. It made her feel gross, and want to brush her teeth with bleach. All the time, when she was with him, she felt like an object. With Snape, his kiss made her feel like a queen. A goddess, who deserved the world and more.

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