Chapter 10 (Final)

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Shawn’s POV
The next morning I got up and was in a good mood. The sun was shining and I was sure it was going to be a great day. I somehow didn’t want to spend my time in my house this morning so I decided to go into the next coffee shop and sit there to eat breakfast.

Just watching people gave me a lot of inspiration and I was up for the challenge to write new songs about humanity to which everyone could connect.

When I arrived I found myself a good place at the window where I could watch the people inside but also outside the shop. That’s when I saw her. She was walking by hand in hand with some stranger. It hurt- it did but I knew I was better off without her and she seemed happy.

Then she turned around and saw me. One short eye contact and I saw her telling her new friend to wait for her when she entered the shop too.

"Hey Shawn," she said and sat down in front of me.
:Hey," I answered and smiled. Yes it was over between her and me and we both knew it. "I just wanted to say goodbye one last time," she looked me in the eyes.

Why a goodbye? My questioning look was enough. "I’ll move away together with Thomas,: she said. I nodded and said:
"Have fun then and make yourself a good life."

She nodded, smiled and wanted to walk away but I stopped her by touching her arm.

"One last hug?," I asked with a smile plastered on my face. She came back and hugged me: "So everything is fine between us?"
"Yeah it is. Bye,"
I was still smiling when she left. I saw her walk away with her new friend and everything felt right again. She was happy, I was happy, life could go on...

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