Dougie Hamilton

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Wrote this is class. Will dedicate when I get home


You sat in the bathroom, waiting for Dougie to get back from practice. You stared at the three pregnancy tests laying on the counter in front of you and thought about taking another. They could be false positives. All three of them.

And the two missed periods could be a complete coincidence.

You willed yourself to not cry, hoping that he would be understanding and stay with you. You sat there for a while trying to figure out how to bring this up without completely breaking down. After a while, you checked your phone and saw the message from him.

>> Grabbing food on the way home. Be there in 20 :)

Just as you read that message, the door of his apartment open.

"Babe I'm back." In a hurry, you swept the pregnancy tests into the drawer and threw away the boxes. You met him in the kitchen and found him with a big bouquet of your favorite flowers.

"Oh Dougie, thank you." You pushed yourself to the tips of your toes and kissed him on the cheek, barely making it. You grabbed the flowers from his hand and he reached into the cupboard for a vase. "These are beautiful." You placed your face in the bouquet and took in the scent.

"Anything for my girl." He leaned down to kiss you. You laughed about the height difference. Somewhere, some girl over six feet tall is jealous that you have a boyfriend that's over a foot taller than you and that was strangely satisfying. "Let's eat."

He took the many boxes of Chinese take out and set them on the counter, handing you a set of chopsticks. After struggling wlith them for a few minutes, you reached in the drawer behind you and grabbed a fork.

"So uh, I was in the bathroom and there was a box in the garbage can." You almost dropped the container of fried rice on your lap. "There were actually two."

You took a deep breath, wondering how you should tell him that you were pregnant with his child.

"They were positive." He was silent for a few minutes. He didn't touch his food, just stared at the table between the two of you.

"Well, I guess we should start figuring out the details. Go shopping and get you a doctor's appointment set up." He got up and knelt down in front of you, taking your hands in his. "I will be there for you every step of the way."

"Our baby is going to be so cute." You pressed your forehead to his, thinking about the future the two of you would be sharing.

"Yeah because its mama is beautiful."

"Baby Hamilton."

"I can't wait."

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