The Dress

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Modern AU

*Warning slight kink*

"No way!" Snarled an agitated Violet. Her emerald eyes locked on her beloved girlfriend Clementine. She had insisted that Vi HAD to attend her 'father' Lee's wedding. The dark-skinned girl stood in the doorway of their shared dorm.

"C'mon Vi, just try it on!" Clementine held a short black dress, displaying the fabric as if it were a precious artifact.

"There is no way in HELL you'll get ME in THAT" The blonde spat crossing her arms like an infant having a tantrum.

"Pretty please with sugar on top, for me?" Clem pleaded with her amber puppy dog eyes. Violet looked her up and down in disgust, she loved her girlfriend without a doubt! But if that Orange thinks she's going to get her into a dress, she has another thing coming.

"No." She started looking away still holding her nerve. Clementine sighed defeated, laying the dress on the bunk. "You don't have to wear it if you don't want to."

"Wait really?" Violet asked, a little astounded that the younger teen gave up so early. Oh no, not really, Clem smirked before she spun around and charged straight towards the shorter girl as she wailed.

"Psych!" She sprinted toward a very startled Violet, with the dress in hand. Clementine only managed to grab Vi's jean jacket before She knew what was happening. Violet flung her arms out of her jacket escaping clementine, briskly running behind the bed leaving Clementine on the other side. The failed attack quickly became a warlike game of ring around the Rosie.

"Come and face me COWARD" Clementine roared teasingly, waving the dress to and fro like a flag to intimidate her enemy.

"No way!" Violet screeched leaping over the bed and landing onto her desk, Gymnastics has finally paid off. Clem wasn't too far behind her though, before limber girl could make a break for the exit she was tackled to the floor. She clawed at the floor dramatically

"Noooo!" She cried turning to Clem clawing and swiping to escape from her captor's clutches. Clementine got off of violet letting the defeated blonde scurry to her feet. "Damn, you're really, really strong" Violet panted, exhausted from the battle.

"They don't call me the captain of the softball team for nothing" Clem teased flexing her muscles, earning a laugh from the worn out girl.

"Now, try it on!" she urged her girlfriend. Violet screwed up her face before returning to her stubborn self.

"Make me." Exasperated, Clementine gave up, yet she still had one more trick up her sleeve.

"Listen here flower, if you try on this dress, then I'll take you to get something more to your liking for the wedding. There was conflict in violets sage eyes, she really seemed to be fighting the idea of wearing such a graceful, 'ladylike' humiliation of a dress. Yet she couldn't say no to the girl she loved most.

"Okay" She sighed giving in to a VERY excited Clementine. The orange handed over the dress to the discussed girl. Fuck. Violet though as she studied the surprising silky garment, she placed it carefully on the desk to be sure not to offend Clem. She slew off her plain white tee off her slender back leaving her in her long-sleeved Henley shirt, little did she know a very flushed Clementine was watching her every maneuver. Violet caught Clementine's gaze beginning to match her shade of crimson.

"uh, whatcha' looking at you pervert" Violet teased desperately trying to bring the awkward affair back to earth, which failed. The brunette only smirked and looked away leaving violet to finish undressing. She only managed to get her shirt partly off before Clem's hands wear framing her body. Violet's body instantly felt warm, as her passionate girlfriend was planting kisses on her neck.

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