"I'll go with you sir." Lenora said slowly handing over the arrow. She had been taught stranger danger, but this man had just saved her life. Besides her parents left her without anything to defend herself with. If she didn't go with this man then she would be dead within 24 hours. "Thank you."

"No worries kid." He muttered taking the arrow from Lenora's outstretched hand. "My name's not sir by the way."

"Then what is it?" Lenora asked.

"Daryl." He grunted after a moment before reloading a arrow into his crossbow and nodding his head in the direction they were heading. "Come on kid."

"My name's Lenora." She spoke up following him.

"That's a mouthful." Daryl told her with a slight scoff.

"But, my friends called me Lee." She told him.

"Alright then, come on Lee."


As Lenora trudged through the woods with Daryl she noticed somethings about the man. He was pretty standoffish. Definitely a loner type. Despite having a hard exterior, she knew that if you peeled away the brooding and hard glares, then dug really really, deep into his soul that he was a nice person who almost wanted to do the right thing.

 Lenora watched as Daryl removed his crossbow from his back, and aimed it at something in the distance. 

"What's that?" She asked him only to be hushed. The girl waited until he fired the arrow and it went whirring through the woods, hitting it's target. 

"The thing I was out here for originally." Daryl finally said. They walked about 200 meters until they came across a deer, that was now being eaten by a dead thing. Along with two children clinging to women and a bunch of men beating the dead thing to, well death. 

They didn't stop until one of the men decapitated the thing before staring at it in shock and talking amongst themselves. Lenora stayed behind Daryl shyly as they came into the clearing with all the men pointing weapons towards them. 

"Son of a bitch," Daryl said moving around a rock to examine the now dead deer. "That's my deer! Look at it. All gnawed on by this, filthy, disease bearing, motherless, poxy bastard."

Daryl began to kick the dead thing with each word and Lenora questioned if she had made the right choice coming with him.

"Calm down, son." The man who had originally decapitated the dead said. "That's not helping." 

"What do you know about it old man?" Daryl said angrily getting into the mans face. "Why don't you take that stupid hat and go back to 'on golden pond'. I've been tracking this deer for miles. Gonna drag it back to camp, cook us up some venison." 

Lenora was taken aback. For one thing, she liked the hat. For another, this Daryl was quite different from the one she had met in the woods. 

"What do you think?" Daryl asked pointing around the part of the deer that had already been a meal for the dead person now on the ground. "Do you think we can cut around this chewed up part right here?"

"I would not risk that." A man holding a gun over his shoulders told him. Lenora stayed hidden behind the rock but peered around it a little more.

"That's a damn shame." Daryl sighed standing up before gesturing to his squirrels. "I got some squirrel, bout a dozen or so. And I found someone." 

"You found someone?" Gun man asked. "And you brought them here?" 

"Yeah, she ain't a harm to no one." Daryl said before looking around for Lee. "Saved her by a walker."

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