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Heading back to camp, Lenora's face was red and sweat was beating down her brow.  The sun had been beating down on her like no other, and the Georgia heat was never kind. When they walked back to the farm they approached the house, where confusion was present. 

"Do you know what's going on?" T-dog asked Glenn as he and Andrea approached the house. 

"Where is everyone?" Andrea asked him, following up on T-dog's question. 

"You haven't seen Rick?" Glenn asked worried.

"He went off with Hershel. We were supposed to leave a couple hours ago." Andrea explained to him as the group of three approached them. 

"Yeah you were." Daryl spoke, interjecting himself into the conversation. "What the hell?" 

"Rick told us he was going out." Carol explained. 

"Damn it." Daryl raised his voice slightly and Lenora made her way up by the porch where Carl sat playing a board game with two of the Greene sisters. "Isn't anybody taking this seriously? We got us a damn trail." 

The redneck man scolded his group. Wondering why nobody seemed to care about finding Sophia as deeply as him and the girl's mother. He turned around, noticing Shane walking towards him with a bag of guns. 

"Oh, here we go." He spoke, approaching Shane. "What's all this?"

"You with me man?" Shane asked him, handing him a shotgun. 

"Yeah." Daryl all but whispered. He took the shotgun from Shane, pumping the barrel once. He made eye contact with Lee, who was watching him wearily.

"Time to grow up." Shane spoke, determination on his face. He turned to Andrea next. "You already got yours?" 

"Yeah." She spoke, confused as ever. "Where's Dale?"

"He's on his way." Shane explained, Lenora thought he looked like he was on a war path. Which in some ways, he was. The man was losing what little control he had over his mind. It scared the girl, and she wondered if anyone else noticed.

"Thought we couldn't carry." T-dog asked him. Reminding him of Hershel's rules for staying on his land. If they lost the farm, she didn't know what they'd do. 

"We can and we have too." Shane said. "Look, it was one thing sitting around here picking daisies when we thought this place was supposed to be safe. But now, we know it ain't. How about you man, you gonna protect yours?" 

Shane had approached Glenn, handing him another gun. The asian man looked at him distrust flooding his features, before looking back and forth between the former sheriff and Maggie. He took the weapon from Shane cautiously, if not to defend the farm then maybe to keep it out of Shane's hands. 

"That's it, can you shoot?" Shane then asked Maggie.  

"Can you stop?" Maggie began to reason with him. She was the oldest Greene present, and she was responsible for what went on at the farm when her father wasn't there. "You do this, you hand out these guns? My dad will make you leave tonight." 

"We have to stay Shane." Carl spoke from beside Lenora, working his way down the stairs as Lori rushed out of the house.

"What is this?" She asked. 

"We ain't going anywhere, okay?" Shane falsely reassured the group. "Now look Hershel, he's just gonna have to understand. Okay? He, well, he's gonna have to." 

This is the moment that Lenora feared Shane had truly lost his mind. The amount of power he had over the group would never be equivalent to that of Ricks, who they all respected. It was obvious that he didn't like that whatsoever. She knew he was only becoming more unhinged as days past by. 

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