forever in seconds

Start from the beginning

Height: 5,9

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Height: 5,9

Weight: 120 lbs


Tessa is quite playful in her own way. Her way of speaking out her opinion usually comes through sarcasm or some witty remark. She is very chill person at the most part and very analytic when it comes to her thinking. She can quickly read a situation and react accordingly. She usually would have already gone through too many scenarios in her head since she's somewhat a perfectionist. She is very confident but her doubts arise once she is questioned if what she's doing is right over and over again. She can become quite frustrated and indecisive.

She likes to be around Leopard, mostly because of her personality and her own amusement. She likes to see other reactions when she talks to others and likes to tease panther once in a while but she doesn't like him in any romantic way. It's just for fun. Their her teammate's so she is use to them and tolerates them very well.

She's also not really open about herself and prefers her private life to stay private.


• running

• hiking

• being alone

• reading

• her free time (she values it that much)

• getting to know other people (to see what makes them tick)

• her teammates (in a way)

• being in nature in general

• her brothers


• being demanded what to do and told how to do it

• treated like a child

• overloaded with chores

• listening to someone who obviously doesn't know what she/he is doing or talking about

• small talk


• going insane

• letting her parents down

• something happening to her brothers

• not being able to control a situation or find a solution to a problem

• her powers getting out of control


• her family

• her growing anxiety

• she is fast but not really strong


• patience

• staying calm during a stressful situation

• her quick thinking


Tessa was only child for six years when her twin brothers were born. At that moment she was basically thrust the responsibility of being a babysitter when mom and dad weren't home. She has a great relationship with her parents but most of the time they thrust her too much responsibility on her and depend on her.

Babysitting her two brothers made her patient because yelling or threatening them when they misbehaved didn't really work. She had a temper but learned how to calm down thanks to few trips to a psychologist. Not only she worked on her temper but also how to keep calm in a stressful situation, because there were a lot.

She learned how to think quickly when something went wrong, especially when the boys made a mess. Also her reflexes became quicker not just because of her power but because the boys were constantly throwing something at her.

Tessa became very closed off emotionally since her parents had high expectations of her as the older sibling and when she did show her true emotions, they were often misunderstood. So she started to have quite a thick skin since those often times when she broke down from stress, made her parents usually just ask why was she making the situation so tragic.

Roleplay example:

Instead of driving, Tessa ran to school so she would get on time since she didn't want to take the chance of getting stuck in traffic and missing the lesson since that would require going in a classroom where most of the attention will be directed at her.

She sighed in relief once she realised that she still has time and entered the school, relaxed that she still has few minutes before the bell rings. She strolled to her classroom when she noticed Leopard and a small, lop-sided smile appeared on her face when she saw her. She didn't wave or did anything to get her attention since she was obviously occupied with her own things and Tessa needed to get to class anyway. She slowly ran her fingers through her hair to fix it because her high ponytail was nonexistent. Her speed had pulled her hair tie right off but luckily she always had a spare one and made a braid, since she doesn't like her hair being out.



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"I don't know how I'm going to win. I just know I'm not going to lose."

"Don't depend too much on anyone in this world. Even your shadow leaves you when you're in the darkness."

"Better a cruel truth than a comfortable delusion."

Scenerio you want in the RP:

Where someone switches their teammates opposite to their personalities and makes them work together. Maybe even make them work with the people they hate in a life or death type of situation.

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