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My name is Sabaku. I was born to my parents, Yusa and Ryou, during their journey with a caravan through the Si Wong Desert. At first, nobody thought that I would last through the journey. Hell, the other members of the caravan suggested that I just be left to the buzzard-wasps. However, my parents refused to leave me to the scorching sands.

After many days of travel, my condition grew dire. My skin became bright red, and leathery. I looked ready to turn to dust. My parents still clung to hope that I would survive the journey. Then, according to the caravan members and what I remember hearing from my parents as a young boy the sand began to swirl around and come to life. It shaped itself in the form of a man, its head that of a demon. The sand making up the body of this thing was a deep crimson, as if stained with blood.

On that day, my parents were greeted by the desert spirit, Akasuna.

He made a deal with my parents he would ensure that I survive the desert in healthy condition, and that I would fulfill my great destiny. In exchange, however, they would need to accept that I would be...different than most earthbenders, in more ways than one. Furthermore, I would become his physical vessel, and he would bond with me, in body and in spirit. Eager to see me live through the trip, my parents agreed. Upon the instructions of Akasuna, I was placed in the crimson sand, which soon encased me in a cocoon. The sand disappeared into my body, and my skin returned to normal. I grew healthy, I even began to wail and cry. My parents knew that I would make it to Ba Sing Se. In tribute to Akasuna's choosing of me as a vessel, I was named Sabaku, or "desert."

But at what cost would I be saved?

Although I enjoyed a happy childhood, my later years were nothing but despair. My mother died in a building fire. My father was killed by a drunk city guard who was angry. Eventually, I ran from the city and stuck to traveling around from town to town. I did odd jobs for my food and shelter, stole sometimes if I needed to. I learned many things while on my own some of those things, I'm not very proud of learning.

One day, I was stealing from a camp of soldiers out near a Fire Nation colony. There were big tents set up, so I snuck into the first one I saw and started rooting around through its supplies. I was caught by the tent's inhabitant. Apparently, the tent was that of Prince Zuko himself.

I remember collapsing to my hands and knees, begging that he spare me. I offered him my services, I offered to him my loyalty. One of the soldiers, a monster of a man named Murasa, looked at me and called me an urchin. He proceeded to try and kill me. Then, something happened. Something that I still cannot explain fully.

A clawed arm, made of red sand, shot out from the ground beside me and cleaved through Murasa's heart.

I was eventually allowed to demonstrate my own talents to Prince Zuko, who did see my usefulness and take me in as his servant. I learned that he was chasing the Avatar. Since then, I have dedicated myself to Prince Zuko, in helping him be recognized.

I don't understand my own feelings for him, my willingness to follow his orders and to help him when he needs it. What I do understand, though, is that I will do anything I need to in order to help him walk the path of his own destiny.

My name is Sabaku. This is my story.

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