Ch:8 final battle part 1 releasing the possessed one

Start from the beginning

Armored terra: how I've waited for this moment

Armored terra stopped at a distance away while terranort got into a fighting stance armored terra brought his keyblade up and turned it into a whip like weapon he then launched it towards terranort who went to block it but the keyblade whip wrapped around terranort's keyblade then armored terra manage to get terranort in to the air while in the air terranort let go off his keyblade then dived bombed towards armored terra who reverted his keyblade back to normal then turned it into a giant cannon that's bigger than pandora's rocket cannon then armored terra charged up a beam attack to weaken terranort while terranort didn't have time to block once the cannon fired he took the full force of it that pushed him back even more above ground then resummoned his keyblade while armored terra was running towards him turning the cannon back into a keyblade he jumped up towards terranort once the two were near they started to fight in mid air while that was happening ven wanted to help terra

Ven: terra!

But aqua it a hand on his shoulder to stop him

Aqua: no ven

Ven: but-

Aqua: them first

Then a large group of heartless while another group of heartless came out of a portal on the ground sora wasn't sure which one to go after but aqua and ven went to the ones that were coming from the entrence they took

Aqua we'll hold off the others

Sora: right be careful 

Y/n: nero lets go well help them hold them off with aqua and ven

Nero: you got it lets show them what we're made of

With that they charged at the heartless y/n used stinger with heart of rebellion and launched a group of them in the air and switched to sword master style and did some mid air combos then he signaled nero to switch with him nero used his demon arm on y/n to propel him into the air near the heartless that are in the air and did shuffle to keep them in the air then pulled him self to another heartless while y/n had pandora out in its rocket cannon mode and fired the three rockets at the heartless once the rockets connected the explosion took them out once y/n put pandora back into its suit case another group tried to surround and pounce on him but he quickly switched to angi and rudra then did a flaming tornado that took them out while nero was slashing and grabbing some heartless he sees a group of heartless ready to pounce on him nero started to heat up red queen once it was ready he started to spin around with burning flames running through the sword and once his group his dealt with him and y/n see everyone else took out their groups of heartless

Sora, donald and goofy are having some trouble with their fight

Sora: c'mon 

Then the serpent heartless started spin around in tornado fashion

Goofy: something's wrong

Donald: look out

Then all of the heartless are being pulled in by the force of the serpent heartless then a stream of heartless came out and grabbed some left over heartless and a nobody then did the same with a giant heartless riku and Mickey were fighting as the tornado of heartless was increasing in size everyone stood their ground ready for another stream to come out

Goofy: what now

Donald: sora?

Sora: I'll stop it!

Then sora charges in at the tornado of heartless

Donald/goofy: sora!!!!

Then another stream of heartless came out and headed to sora while sora kept running towards it after taking out one heartless comming at him he then jumped up about to strike down not before seeing a light blinding him for a small moment then see a person with silver hair and around sora's age or younger then the boy turned to look at sora with a smile

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