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"I'm glad you're safe" he said, letting go of the hug, slowly. I was still unstable at the moment so I quickly pulled him in again for a hug. When I got a bit calmer, I realized that all the other boys were with him. All of them looked so apologetic.

I took a deep breath and pulled myself together. "Hey guys" I said, trying to cheer up the occasion despite my puffy eyes after a night full of crying.

All of them turned to Yoongi first. He nodded and then all of them came to hug me all at once. "I'm sorry Il Min - ah" "Get well soon" "Stay strong" were the words that most of them said.

"I'm surprised you guys came" I said. "We're surprised you were able to pull yourself together so quickly for us" Taehyung said. I chuckled slowly.

"Can you differentiate us now?" Jin asked. "Yeah, surprisingly.. I can" I said. "Okay, then say all of our names." Hoseok said. I smiled and pointed to each of them.

"You're the leader, you're World Wide Handsome, Kookie, V, Cutest, Sunshine and.." I stopped, pointing at Yoongi. "Suga" I said. All of them smiled and started boasting about it, apparently.

"She said I'm the cutest" Jimin said to the maknae lines. "Yeah right, she called me her Kookie" Jungkook added. "Guys stop it" Namjoon said. "Hey leader" Jin said and Namjoon started chuckling to himself.

All of them grunted to each other. "Well I'm her personal Sunshine!" Hoseok added. "I'm World Wide Handsome, how 'bout that, huh?" Jin said and did his windshield laugh.

Total crackheads.

Its very meaningful that these 7 just made me forget about my worries for awhile. The room that was filled with my sorrowness were now full of laughter and some Jin's dad jokes. >_<

Just then, the doctor came in. "Good morning, Il Min - ah. How are you feeling today?" he asked. All of them stopped laughing immediately and focused at me. I most noticed was Yoongi's eyes, which were full of concern.

"Fine" I said, simply. "Okay then. Make sure you eat your pills, okay?" the doctor said and was about to leave the room. "Doctor" I said.

"Yes?" he turned back to me. "How's my brother?" I asked, hoping that he's okay. "Your brother? It's Il Han right?" he asked. "Yes" I said, my voice were now shaky.

"The surgery went well. He's resting in his ward right now" the doctor said. "..Can I see him?" I asked. "Of course. Would you like a wheelchair?" he asked. "It's okay" I said. He gave a smile first before closing the door.

"You're okay?" Yoongi asked. "Yeah, a bit" I said and tried to get off the bed. He helped me to walk to Il Han's ward. The other boys followed too.

Jin opened the door to Il Han's ward and my heart broke into pieces again as I saw him resting on the bed with those machines around him. Yoongi helped me to sit on a chair beside his bed.

I examined his pale face before caressing his brown hair, slowly. "I'm so sorry" were the only words that could come out of my mouth. "I should've been a better sister for you" I said, turning my face away from him.

"I should've come home early" I said. "I thought you'd be okay.. I thought.. You won't get hurt.." I said, tears rolling down my cheeks. I forgot that the 7 boys were there.

"Guys, let's give them some privacy" Namjoon said in a whisper and all of them quietly left the room, leaving me alone with Il Han.

~ after awhile, back on my room bed//

"You'll be fine alone?" Yoongi asked. "..Yeah" I said slowly. My body were now tired and I bet Yoongi noticed it. The other boys went to the lobby already while Yoongi wanted to have stay with me for awhile.

"Can I sleep here?" he asked. "No Yoongi, you have to go to school tomorrow" I said. "You are more important" he said which made me blushed. 

I cleared my throat. "We. Are. Not. A. Couple" I said, glancing at him. "Yeah, said the one who pulled me in for a hug again" he said. "Hey, that was just a reflex. I needed someone to hug" I said. 

"Then let me stay here" he said. "And for what, huh?" I asked. "You said you needed someone to hug" he said and smirked. My. Cheeks. Are. Burning.

"Leave me alone" "What was that? I only heard 'don't leave me'" he teased and laughed. "YA!" I yelled. "Hey, no yelling in the hospital" he said, still teasing.

~ a bit of cut//

"Yeah, I'm staying here for the night to take care of Il Min" I heard he said on the phone. "Yeah, okay.. Bye guys, thanks. See ya tomorrow" he said and ended the call.

"You better don't say that I told you to stay here for the night, okay?" I said. He scoffed. "I'm not a liar" he said. "But you're a jerk, so that explains it" I said. "YA!" he turned to me. "No yelling in the hospital" I said, teasing him which made him blushed.

After a bit more of arguments and teasing, both of us got sleepy and were ready to sleep. Yoongi was laying on the long sofa and I, of course, on the patient's bed.

"Hey, I have a question" I said.

"Mhm?" he replied, his eyes closed.

"Were you the one who called the ambulance?" I asked.

He didn't reply.

"Ya, answer me." I said. 

"Yeah, its me" 

"How'd you know that I was hurt?"

"I was there"

"How come you're always there when I'm in need of help?"

He got quiet.


"You said one question"

I scoffed. "Okay fine." I said and positioned myself to sleep. After a few minutes...

"My instincts keeps telling me that you're not okay when you said you are and they keep telling me that you're in danger. I just followed them and its often true. What if we.. Just happens made to be together?"

He said, thinking that I was asleep so he positioned himself to sleep too, not waiting for an answer from me.

"Goodnight Il Min - ah" 

How can you leave my heart beating so fast at night and my face red? Now how am I supposed to sleep?

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