Stay hidden is over!

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry, children, I'm coming for you!" He said in panic.

"Please, help us!" Boy #1 shouted.

"I don't want to die!" Girl #1 cried.

"Hurry, officer!" Girl #2 whimpered.

Murdoch bent down to reach for the children, but they are way down. He moved a little further and extended his hand to grab one of the children's hand. But then, he was accidentally slipped down and his shoes hooked on the railings. Now even Murdoch held on for his life. Rigel barked loudly for help while whimpered helplessly for his master

Just then, even upside-down, Murdoch noticed a group of strange and unusual people coming towards the stern.

Aggie flew as fast as she can towards the stern while her team followed her from behind.

"Aggie, stop!" Wanda's guardian, Wands, shouted.

"Slow down there, young one," Owl hooted.

"No! I have to save those children!" Aggie protested as she kept charging at full speed to reach for the stern. When she stopped at the railings, she looked down to see Murdoch and children hanging and shouted for help. "Hold on! We're here to help you!" She cried as she lifted Murdoch by grabbing his legs and pulled him up.

When Murdoch regained his energy from fear, he patted Aggie's shoulder and said thankfully, "Thank you."

Aggie only nodded in respond. And then, Kitka, Kira, Kessia and Kessia saved two children by grabbing their shirt collars and flew them back to the stern.

Boy 2# accidentally let go of the railings and almost fell to his death into the water, but Doris, Dr. Blowhole's sister, caught him on her back, and flew up back to the stern. Murdoch rubbed his eyes as he couldn't believe that he saw a dolphin flying. Even few "flightless" members flew down the stern to rescue the children.

"Don't worry. We won't hurt you," Gracie the puppy, Stan's daughter, said.

"Yeah, we're here to rescue you," Freddie, Gracie's brother and Stan's son, added as the two lifted another girl up.

Julie, Judy and Nick's daughter, and Babies Sylvester, Silvestre, Tweety and Twaty helped another boy.

Skully, Skulio, Skidmark, Chet, Prevate, Aglet, Ferb II, Lightning Dash, Thunder Dash, and Skipper Riley saved the rest of the children and sent them back safely on deck.

"Are you children alright?" Sally Skellington asked worriedly.

"Yes. We're okay," Boy #3 answered.

"You should be very careful. It's dangerous!" Brainy Smurf added.

"We know. We're sorry," Boy #4 frowned.

"Well, the important thing is no one got hurt," Bubbles (bird) said.

"Okay. Whoever you are or whatever you all are," Murdoch spoke as the I Team started to fear the worst that they showed themselves. "I would like to say... Thank you... for saving our lives."

The I Team thought the officer would ask a lot of questions about themselves, where they came from or how they get into the ship, but "thank you" is a surprising word.

Aggie smiled," You're welcome. It's what we do. Helping people."

"What's going on here?!"

Suddenly, the parents of the children of third Class arrived at the scene when they heard a commotion.

"Who are these?" the father of one of the children glared at the I Team curiously, "Are you threatening are children?"

"Daddy, no!" Girl #4 approached her father to stop him.

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