"Well, that won't take long," Dr. Blest, Dr. Blowhole's adoptive guardian and wife, said positively.

"Guess we have to stay here for a while," Huntress, Hunter's guardian, added. "Glad you made the room, Ags."

"Don't worry. I'm going to change the room back to normal once Titanic made it to New York," Aggie placed her wand staff on the wall near her bed.

"We have to wait for 4 days to save the entire ship," Jerry Mouse groaned in boredom.


After 2 hours, Titanic set sail again, while the I Team settled in their room. Just like what they always do back home, they were doing their hobbies. Since electronics and internet haven't exist at this time, they decided to read books, play board games, and do art stuff for the rest of the night before going to sleep. 8:30pm is still to early for bedtime.

Saltor, Sally Skellington's guardian. turned the air conditioner on, and breathed in the cold air, "Glad we snuck into the C-Deck. It's hot down there when we snuck in."

"Did you know that Titanic was called 'The ship of dreams'?" Dottie the forklift said, reading a book about Titanic that she brought from the present.

Basil then snickered and scoffed, "'Ship of dreams'?! That's ridiculous! It doesn't make any sense."

"I know, right? It doesn't feel like the ship of 'dreams'," Baby Daffy agreed.

"I don't know. To everyone else, Titanic was 'the ship of dreams'. They said so," Baby Melissa replied, playing with her little webbed-feet on her new bed.

"What do you think of it, Aggie?" Baby Melissa's guardian, Baby Marissa, turned her head to Aggie, but she didn't answer. "Aggie?!"

"Huh?" Aggie snapped out of it after watching a hologram of the Titanic sinking into the ocean and splitting into half from her wand staff. She turned the hologram off from her wand staff, "Oh, I mean, yeah. It was called the ship of dreams."

Her team started to get concern for her.

"Are you okay, Numbuh 1.5?" Numbuh 3 asked.

"Yeah. I'm okay," the leader answered with her head hung down.

"I know you're not okay, Aunt Aggie. I can read who's lying and who's not," warned Screwball. "Now tell us what's wrong?"

Aggie can't hold her feelings anymore as she sighed in defeat, "Sorry, guys. It's just that... I can't stop thinking about Titanic and the people here. The iceberg scratched a hole on the starboard, the ship sinking, break into half... It's one of the greatest disaster of the history, and no one could save it."

Vlad felt quite sad for Aggie as he approached by her side, and placed his wrinkled hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry, pal. We're going to save this ship. We promise."

"Yeah. We won't let you down," added Tiggro, Tigger's guardian.

"You know what? I think we had a long day, so why don't we get some sleep?" Rabbit suggested.

"You're right, Rabbit. I'm beat with all the time traveling, sneaking into the ship, hiding from the people of the past, and stuff," Yang stretched his arms before he and his guardian Yan found their beds.

"Let's rest for tomorrow. It'll be another day," Toots, Tootie's guardian, covered herself with a blanket and turned her little lamp before going to sleep.

Everyone found their beds and went to sleep:

The cockroaches and their guardians jumped into the vent as their room.

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