Start from the beginning

  But I'm not a cut-sleeve ah!

  So Why did he feel so confused towards XiuYin?

  BiMing sat on XiuYin's bed and rubbed his temple when he exclaimed "Shit!" It's almost been a month and not once had he given XiuYin any blood... "Argh! Why couldn't have just been born into a world that's simple and easy... like Tarzan! Tarzan loves Jane, Jane loves Tarzan, they stick together, happily ever after. But BiMing didn't get a Jane, it feels as if they sent him a Tarzan instead...

  The storm outside howled. 

  BiMing stood up. For now, he was still confused over what he felt but he'd decided on one thing at least.

  XiuYin had over-repented. It was partly BiMing's fault for neglecting to deal with this issue sooner so he just left XiuYin be. Now he felt guilt chewing at the edges of his conscience.

  Grabbing an umbrella, BiMing left to descend the mountain for the first time in a while.

  XiuYin's legs were in pain, so much pain his brain couldn't register it. To be kneeling with a straight back for almost a month through all weather, it was bound to take its toll. But never once did he waver. He would gladly kneel for another month or a year even.

  His only regret was that he hadn't caught another sight of Lu ShiZun after their first encounter. He wondered if he'd missed him whilst he sometimes got some hard-earned sleep. His heart grew bitter at the thought of not being able to see Lu ShiZun. He realized how he took for granted his relationship with Lu ShiZun, he could carelessly touch him, be near him, talk to him. Now he couldn't even see him. XiuYin felt so bitter he could practically taste it. The pouring rain had drenched him yet again. The heavens must also be upset with his actions. He tilted his head back to feel the rain drip along and down his face but keeping his mouth closed as to not drink any of it no matter how much he wanted to. 

  But then the rain was gone. Or at least the gone from his spot as he no longer felt the drips and drops. With great effort, he cracked open one eye and saw a figure he dreamt of. "Lu ShiZun?"

  BiMing didn't reply and merely held the umbrella over XiuYin's head.

  "Ah, now my hallucinations have become so realistic... ShiZun is even shielding me from the rain...."

  "Hallucination my ass, get up."

  XiuYin froze, and opened both eyes. Staring back at him was a pair of haunted eyes with a dark circle surrounding them. Nevertheless, the man still looked stunning with his clear, jade-like skin and long dark hair. XiuYin's eyes teared up. "ShiZun.." He choked.

  "Come on, get up you're embarrassing me..."

  "...I can't..."

  "What do you mean you can't"

  "...My legs..."

  BiMing glanced down and sighed, "looks like you really have become the kneeling statue people have been talking about...Here... we need to talk." BiMing held out his free hand towards XiuYin.

  XiuYin rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't daydreaming

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  XiuYin rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't daydreaming. When he saw that Lu ShiZun was getting impatient, he quickly grabbed his hands and felt himself being pulled up. But His legs were currently beyond use, he only barely straightened them before they refused to move anymore.

  "Unblock your spiritual powers now, you'll be needing your legs," BiMing said whilst practically carrying XiuYin.

  XiuYin's head slumped in the crook of Lu ShiZun's neck. The two looked particularly awkward since the one being carried was a head taller... but what's to be done when their legs practically out of use.

  "That would be dangerous..." XiuYin moved his face a little, burrowing his head further into Lu ShiZun. He doesn't know where the nerve came from to do this, perhaps he was relieved to the point of being delirious... but right now he just couldn't get enough of Lu ShiZun's scent and feel.

  "Do tell me why I have to haul your ass all the way up there." BiMing gulped when he felt XiuYin coming closer but didn't let go. His heart was beating wildly.

  "Because I cut off my spiritual powers the parasite was temporarily...'switched off' too. it's been a month since I last..." XiuYin Gulped. "It's sudden awakening would probably be violent with blood lust..."

  BiMing considered what he said and replied, "Fine, let's get you back up first, we'll sort this out after we talk."

  "Lu ShiZun." XiuYin raised his stiff arms and encircled BiMings waist.

  "Hm?" BiMing tensed.

  "I really like you... I think I love you..." XiuYin sigh against BiMing.

  Instantly BiMing blushed redder than any tomato and dropped XiuYin unintentionally. XiuYin exclaimed with an 'Ah!' before rolling on to his backside. He expected to see ShiZun's disgusted expression but instead found him blushing with fingers pressed at his head.

  "You're a handful you know that? A hundred, thousand, handfuls!"


Author tries to be coy...

BM- You'll be needing your legs

XY- We can always try other positions?


BM- You're a handful you know that?

XY- Oh I know 

BM-.... Motherfucker I want ONE normal conversation!


A/N- here's a chapter to neglecting my essay hmk...hahaha off I go hope you enjoyed!

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