4: at least i know i am here to stay

Start from the beginning

Lukas unconsciously looked to Jesse. He was deep in thought, stirring the remnants of his pozole with the end of his utensil. Finally, he said, "Yeah, I'll go. Sounds interesting." Lukas' heart leaped in his chest, watching him peer over at the maps, running a scarred finger over the edge. Jesse actually wanted to go, he was actually being a part of the team.

"Maybe whatever we find at the site can help us decipher all these symbols, if Ivor doesn't have a book to help us in his cellar. I feel good enough to go tomorrow if you want. I'll leave a note for Em and Nell to contact us if something bad happens with the killed livestock, and another one for Ivor telling him where we've gone in case he returns sooner than we do."

"We shouldn't be gone long," Petra noted. "There's a big bridge over the river and the land is mostly plains, rocks, and sand. There's an easy pass into the valley as well, we'll be able to go in and out. Depending on what we find, we should be back in a day or so."

Olivia clapped her hands together, giving Jesse an affectionate look similar to the look you'd give a sibling. "Great! Petra and I will search downstairs to see what we can find in Ivor's hideout pertaining to the map, Axel, if you could write a note to Nell and Em and give it to them sometime this year that'd be nice, and Jesse-- please wash that dog, she stinks."

Axel let out an overdramatic sigh. "Fine, I'll go tonight, no need to tease me." He rinsed his bowl in the sink, then dug through a shelf for a piece of paper to write on.

Petra stared at Olivia for a few seconds. Lukas was unable to understand what she was feeling, as Petra was a tough person to read and he didn't know how she felt being paired up with Olivia-- of course, they'd become good friends like everyone else, and their relationship was none of Lukas' business. "You want me to go with you?"

"Yes, I do. Is that bad?"

"No, no, I just--"

"And you're better company than Axel." Olivia grinned, and Lukas wanted to decipher what that meant but he had his own problems to deal with Once they finished eating, the two disappeared downstairs, snickering about something Petra had said. Axel grabbed his note and rushed out the door, saying he wanted to catch up with Em, who had moved with Nell to Beacontown from their world a few months prior.

Speaking of his problems, Lukas was now alone with Jesse again.

They cleaned up the dishes, silent, then Jesse moved by Eli and rubbed her head. "Let's get you in the bath, pobrecita, you're a mess." Eli licked the underside of his hand.

There was a large basin in the shed made of metal that was the perfect size to bathe her in. Lukas ran and bought soap made for dogs in the general store just before it closed while Jesse coaxed Eli into the yard. Lukas entered the garden after his evening shopping expedition and helped Jesse pick out the right horse brushes to comb her thick fur with, then they filled the basin with cold water from the water pump outside.

Olivia and Ivor would be beside themselves if they bathed Eli inside, and Lukas didn't feel like mopping the floors after a wet dog rolled all over them. Eli was loping around the backyard, and as Jesse patted the basin she leaped in, splashing him and Lukas with water.

Once the healing potion wore off she would be tired and aching again. Knowing this, Lukas was gentle around her sides, scratching her hide, Jesse washing her feet and face. Eli obviously enjoyed the attention-- she leaned her head up and her tail wouldn't stop wagging, tapping the edge of the basin.

"You said you wanted to talk?"

Jesse dunked Eli's sodden paw, up to his elbows in the soap and water. He scratched the back of his neck. He went quiet, collecting his thoughts, then said: "Okay, so you remember I'm bipolar, right? It's more depression than mania, and usually the swings aren't that severe, although they're unpredictable."

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