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"GIRLSSS WEEKEND!!" I exclaimed, in exictement, although deep down, I was kinda anxious.

Zane and Heath were watching Connor and Mia for the weekend, because all of us girls, (Carly, Erin, Corinna, Kristen, Mariah and Liza, YES, even Liza) were all going on a weekend trip to New York.

You're probably wondering, why Liza? After everything she's done to you?

Well, her and I talked it all out.

Something in me wanted to forgive her, and get to know her, so I decided to, and so far, things have been good.

"I'm so excited!" Corinna exclaims.

And with Corinna, she told all of us that her and Logan Paul never were officially a thing, and that he was super creepy, so she stayed away from him.

"I'm almost finished packing, I just need to find my laptop charger," Carly says.

We were at Carly and Bruce's apartment, and the Uber was about to arrive.

"Carly, did you check underneath your bed? Where it's usually plugged in?" I ask.

She goes and looks, and guess what?

She finds it.

"Alright, everyone ready?" Erin asks.

"Let's do it!" I reply, noticing that the Uber just pulled up.

We all walk out to the SUV and start climbing in, and it was gonna be a packed car.

Because I just had babies about a month ago, the girls let me sit in front, and in the back seat, it was Kristen, Liza and Corinna, and Carly, Erin, and Mariah were in the far back.

It was a pretty fun car ride, we were all really excited for the weekend, and we were blasting the Jonas Brothers the entire way to the airport.

Once we get to the airport, and go through security and all that, we run into a couple of fans and hang out with them until its time to board our plane.


"New York, what the fuck is up?!" I yell jokingly, recording myself for an Instagram story.

Carly starts dancing weirdly with Liza and I record Erin saying, "Oh my-".

We get to our hotel after the Uber picks us up and drives us, and let me tell you - it's so luxurious and beautiful.

I wanted the best for my friends, what can I say?

It was the presidential suite, and it consisted of 3 floors, which included 7 bedrooms, 4 full bathrooms, a large kitchen, and a giant living room.

And guess what?! The bathrooms, have TVs in them!

It truly was expensive, but this weekend is special: my album comes out tonight at midnight.

Of course, I wanted to celebrate with my husband, considering I wrote a lot of songs about him, but he insisted on us celebrating after us girls were done in New York.

So tonight, we're getting all dressed up and heading out to a venue, where there's going to be fans, so I can get a live reaction.

I probably could've told you that earlier, but oh well.

We have another few hours until we have to get ready, so we decide to order room service and watch the Spiderman movie I did with Tom Holland.

I voted on watching Twilight, but everyone else wanted to watch my movie, so.. Majority rules.


Hi kitty girls

So you probably know what I'm gonna say, so let's say it together:



Anyways, I know for sure I probably won't be updating until Wednesday because I'm spending time with my dad until then, and because I never see him, I want to be able to spend as much time with him as possible.

Maybe I'll have a chapter pre-written and I'll publish it once I'm back home, idk

But I love you guys, thank you for the support, and I hope you enjoyed:)

It's Our Life Now//Zane HijaziWhere stories live. Discover now