"Il Min - ah" he said, not letting go of my hands. "Sooner or later, you'll have to trust someone other than your brother. You have to trust yourself. If you can't do that, then trust me. Please" he said.

"Why do you care so much about me?" I asked, tears dwelling up inside me. "Why.. Why do you care so much?" I asked. He didn't answer. "See" I started. "How can I trust you when you can't answer one simple question?" I asked before turning back. 

"Because" he suddenly said.

I stopped at my tracks.

"I like you"

"What?" I asked, turning back to him.

"I like you, Il Min - ah" he said hesitantly. He sounded as if he finally let go a burden off his shoulders and could finally breathe.

~ the next day, on a hospital bed//

I couldn't walk properly. My head was getting dizzy and my body felt so tired. 'It's all my fault' I said to myself. "I'm so, so sorry Il Han - ah.." I said, hesitantly.

~ flashback to last night, at home ( coming back from Yoongi's house )..

I was on my way back. Then I heard loud noises from inside the house. I quickly ran inside only to see Il Han standing, his face were really frightened. Then there was Mom, she looked scared too while standing beside a tough - looking man.

"What is all this?" I said slowly. "Sis" Il Han said, motioning me to keep calm for a moment. Mom suddenly held the guy's hand, begging him to stop all this and saying that she will pay back the debt. What debt?

"Shut up!" the man yelled and pushed Mom away until she fell to the floor. "Mom!" I yelled and tried to hit the guy. "You dare to come into my house and hurt my family!" I said. 

"Let go of me!" the man yelled and motioned a knife towards my stomach. I gasped and closed my eyes as a reflex. 

But then, I didn't feel anything. Instead, I was pushed away and fell hard on the ground. When I opened my eyes, I found out later that Il Han was the one who pushed me and got stabbed instead. He laid on the floor, bleeding.

"Il Han - ah!" I screamed and ran up to him. "Get away from him!" the man said and pushed me away, hard. "Don't touch her!" Mom yelled and got to him but he was too strong. He also pushed Mom away that she fell again.

Things got blurry. "You better give me back my money, Hye In! Or else!" he said and pointed towards me. "You'll never see her again" he said and left the house. Mom ran up to him, crying.

Me? With a dizzy head and a weak body by just one push, I walked up to Il Han slowly. "Il Han - ah.." I said, sobbing. "Il Han - ah.. Wake up.. Please" I said. My tears fell to his cheeks. His hands were full of blood.

"Please.." I sobbed. 

Just then, I felt cold hands on my skin. "...Sis.." he said, weakly. "Il Han - ah! Il Han - ah! I'm so sorry! This is all my fault!" I said, sobbing. Nothing could stop my tears.

"...You're safe..." he said, forming a little smile on his face. ".. I.. was worried.." he said. "I'm sorry.." I said, continuing to sob while closing my eyes. I didn't have the heart to see him like this.

I heard a siren. An ambulance siren. "...Sis..." he started. "..I'm sorry.." he said. I couldn't say anything. My heart was breaking into pieces. "..Thank you" he said and lost conscious.

"Il Han - ah? Il Han - ah!? Wake up! Please!" I said. Just then, I screamed. With all my heart, I screamed. Please, don't take him away. "I'm so sorry!!" I said. 

Paramedics got inside the house and separated me from Il Han to get a quick check on him. While a paramedic was doing a first aid kit on him, another paramedic came to me, asking me questions.

"Are you okay, miss?" "Miss, are you hurt?" they asked. I couldn't open my mouth. Everything that I saw was only Il Han and my head keeps thinking about him.

'Please save him' I thought. 'Please let him live' I thought. Such thoughts came to my mind and my vision was still blurry.

Me and Il Han were taken to the hospital quickly and Il Han had to go for a surgery. I was given a sleeping pill which only allowed me to sleep for a few hours because the doctor said I need a lot of rest. He said that I am completely traumatized by what happened.

~ end of flashbacks//

Tears fell down my cheeks again as I rewind what happened last night. I covered my face with my hands. Just then, the door bursted open and a person came in.

"Il Min - ah!" a voice spoke. I raised my head and saw 7 people came rushing in.

A man came up to me and quickly hugged me. "Il Min - ah" he said, his breathing were unstable.


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