The first day of junior year

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I woke up at 6:30 to the sound of my alarm screaming in my ear. I got up and thought to myself yay another year at this great place we call high school. I went to the bathrooom and turned on my CD player my " The pretty reckless"  cd was in. I turned it up and turned on my straightener, i waited for it to warn up while i was washing my face. When it warmed up i straightened my long blond wavy hair until it was completly straight and then i started my make up. My make up consisted of dark eye liner and shadow with dark mascara and red lipstick. After i did my make up i went to my closet and picked out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a black tantop with a Red and black plaided long sleve button up ever it and black converse. I got dressed and went down stairs.

" Goodmornig honey. I thought you might wear something i bought you for your first day at school?" My mother requested.

" You mean the 60's style pink dress you bought me? Yeah thats not gonna happen anytime soon." I spoke as i grabbed my keys and walked out the door. Hell it wouldnt fit anyways considering how much weight ive lost in the past week from not eating. I got to my truck and climbed into the front seat and put the keys into the ignition and started the truck. I also had a Pretty Reckless Cd in here and it was on Make me wanna die I turned it all the way up and started singing along as i pulled out of the drive way and made my way to school. When i got there i parked in my designated spot all the way in the back of the Junior parking lot and sat there for a little while listening to music. I grabbed my Ipod out of my Bag and put my headphones in before cutting off the truck . I got out and turned my Ipod all the way up so that I couldnt hear the people around me talking. Although i can still see them staring ive honestly changed  alot since last year ive lost about a hundred or so pounds since then, I only weight about 88 pounds right now. My arms have huge scars but they cant see those. I go tto my locker and it just so happens to be in the middle of the two most popular girls in schools locker. 'great' this year has started out fantastic.I tried to get into my locker and they kept pushing me out so i closed th elocker and then I just walked into class. When I got there I saw they had a new teacher and he had a seating chart and i was smack dab in the middle.

" Excuse me Sir?:" I asked

" Yes?" he replied

" I cant sit in the front.." I stated

"and why is that?" He asked with slight atitude 

" You'll see if you dont move me before class starts." I replied

" Well thats not a good answer ms...?" He replied again

" jessica dont use my last name." I replied going to sit down preparing myself for the worst.

I sat down as students started piling into the classroom. everyone sat down and thats when it got bad. They started throwing things at me whether it be chewed gum, balled up paper, parts of tere lunch or even whatever they had in there pocket it was being thrown at me. I just had to sit there and ignore it. By the time class was over i could tell this teacher understood what i meant. The moment the bell rang i grabbed my books and walked out of the class as fast as possible and went to my next one where luckly i got to pick my own seat and i went directly to the back of the room.The rest of the day i was able to sit in the back of my classes andget away from people all in all today wasnt the worst but hell it couldve been better. Well atleast thats what i thought until i got to the truck and realized my truck had been keyed and they use window markers to write all over my truck. Writing word such as SLut, whore andphrases saying go kill yourself , go home and cut bitch and other things Well when i got home and skipped dinner it made exactly four days of not reading and i also went home and added more to the portrait on my legs.

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