The Reason (Backstory) Part 5

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"Hey, hey you. Yeah, I see you're eyes fluttering, wake up. Do something. Say something, I don't care, all I know is that you can't just lay there." Hydra's eyes opened to meet a middle-aged women's. Apart from her soft green eyes, this women had shoulder-length blond hair and was wearing a white shirt from what Hydra could make out in the dimly lit room. Wait room? Hydra glanced around, she was in a hammock, in a room.

A dull throbbing came from her side and stinging from the other injuries.

"W-Where am I? And who are you?" She whispered, her voice was gravely and it hurt to speak. She was extremely dehydrated.

In this state Hydra was vulnerable... she couldn't do anything.

"Name's Estella." The women answered. "And this is the Willow. You're on a ship."

Estella looked up and out the exit presumably. "MALLARD! SHE'S AWAKE!"

Hydra heard quick footsteps. Lots of footsteps.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Is she okay?" One of the voices exclaimed.

"Darya, she's fine," Estella stated softly. "She'll be up and okay soon."

Hydra looked up. A girl with long black hair that was plaited to the side was staring at her in worry. She was behind someone else, the leader from the looks of things.

The presumed leader was a man with a black captain's hat, a green bandana underneath, a black vest with a pale green, long-sleeved shirt and a few necklaces resting on his chest.

Along with the girl with black hair, a young man and a person that looked sort of in between were also looking at her with interest. The young man had short black hair and bright blue eyes but Hydra couldn't see the other person. She was too far back. Their hands were on their weapons though and that scared Hydra.

"She's in shock... please take your hands away from your weapons. Are you okay? You were found in the forest by Estella and Darya." The captain asked nodding at his allies (crewmates? Crew members?), his head tilted and a kind but worried expression on his face. He got down to Hydra's level by kneeling next to her hammock. She stared at him in confusion.

The memories flashed before Hydra's eyes but she forced her tears back. She couldn't show weakness... or any more weakness than she was already.

"My name is Mallard. Captain Mallard. I'm the leader of the Willows and that is my first mate Estella. The three behind me are Darya, Icarus and Charsi." The captain said pointing at each person. "Estella and Darya found you five days ago on the edge of the forest with a gash on your side, a cutlass in your hand and two satchels. They ran you back to the Willow where we stitched your wound. When I read your scrolls I realised that you were a suitable member of the Willows and we set up a hammock for you to wake up. All of your belongings are below you... What's you're name?"

"My name is Hydra." She answered her voice straining as she looked at Mallard.

He stood up. "Will you join us, Hydra?"

Hydra thought for a moment. She realised that this crew of pirates had saved her, stitched her side and didn't steal her stuff. This gang of criminals took her in. Estella and Darya had carried her back, knowing full well that she could be an enemy. Mallard had allowed her to stay on board.

Hydra sat up carefully, her head spinning slightly. Once that had subsided she looked Mallard dead in the eye and gave one single nod.

"Welcome aboard the Willow." The captain smiled.

Hydra smiled, Estellaput a hand on her shoulder. "You won't regret this. Life on the Willow isn't as rich as the Thistle but we are family through and through."

Who are the Thistles? Hydra wondered,

"I think we should leave her alone to rest and allow her side to heal. That was one nasty cut. And the Thistles? I see your mind ticking. That will be explained in due time." Mallard said getting up from the floor, his voice carrying through the quarters. His crew nodded and walked swiftly outside.

"Sleep well. In two days we are heading home to Covenants Cove." Estella nodded.

Ever since that day Hydra had been a loyal member of the Willows. Her memories haunted her but she kept pushing.

Hydra trained with her crew, getting better at using the cutlass that she stole, still wearing the cloths from back at the village attack any time that she wasn't washing them... to remind her that she'd survived. They were mostly hidden by her jacket and half skirt but anytime someone would ask she'd shake her head and awkwardly leave.

Pretty soon she grew out of those clothes and found a shirt that was comfortable, even if it was slightly big.

Hydra's new found family had loved her. Unlike her old village, she was always greeted with a smile. She started loving the feeling of the ocean air flowing through her hair and always headed to the front of the ship to watch as the Willow sailed across the waves. Hydra worked hard, preparing and monitoring the sails and cleaning.

She played guitar for her crewmates which had luckily not been broken when she'd run. The crew danced and laughed as she played, tapping to different beats and strumming it like nothing mattered, laughing full heartedly with her crew. The sound of laughter echoed off the ship along with tapping feet.

Life on Covenants Cove was peaceful for the most part except for the Thistles... and Quill... Quill, the captain of the Thistle. A greedy pirate that turned out to be a twin brother of Mallard.

Though soon Hydra started understanding the Thistles and didn't hate them completely any longer. Some even enjoyed her company.

And it wasn't like Hydra hadn't had a crush. She fell in love with Darya and loves her with everything she has. Nights were spent staring at the stars with Hydra playing guitar softly as Darya fell asleep peacefully resting her head on her shoulder.

Life was amazing. Life as a pirate was riveting and Hydra loved every second.

And Christopher? Hydra had a sneaking suspicion that he was still alive...

So that's Hydra's backstory. Well the reason she let her home. Dark I know... not as dark as most other peoples but she kinda sorta got... you know... That's why the 16+ thing was said because I seriously didn't want anyone getting hurt.

So now I have to tell you who's character belongs to who.

If you don't know what Covenants Call is then you may want to join the amino. And also hi everyone who read this from Covenants Call XD Didya like it? It was fun to write XD


Hydra- Jayde/ jaydeplayz- TikTok

Mallard & Quill- Leo/

Estella- Draco/ dracodormiens= TikTok

Darya- Elise 💙- unknown.child- TikTok

Icarus- Akio

Charsi- Max/ dragonimaginator- TikTok

Also I'm gonna add that there's gonna be short stories in here as well so if you like my writing and all that then tune in because I'm gonna be writing a lot here.

Okay I seriously love all of the Covenants. Every one of you and I care for you and I want to spread my love so I love y'all and peace out!

Wild Winds: Hydra's StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz