Christopher (Backstory)

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Trigger Warning, Abuse.

Hydra scrambled through the markets, bread in hand. The rush of running through this place was thrilling and the people had no idea who she was because she wore her mother's cloak and no one could catch her. Well, it felt like that anyway. There was a huge risk to doing this... Somehow she'd been lucky. Everyone knew that "The Thief" existed but no one knew who it was exactly. She had a thick green scarf around her mouth and was quick on her feet, in and out as fast as she could. Never stealing if she was caught taking goods... at least within a month she'd be back.

At this point Hydra was eleven years old. She hadn't received her bandana, half-skirt or jacket yet and as of this day she just wore a plain white shirt with some grey pants. Her brown-red hair was always messy no matter what she did and didn't have her two small plaits tied together with the rest of her hair let free. To say the least, she didn't look anything like she did in present time. Well, she did, but a younger version.

Hydra had been stealing since she was nine and a half. Honing her skill slowly to ensure that she wasn't caught. She hadn't been caught physically... only sighted.

She was treated like a disgrace anyway... why should she act like the others? She tried once, it never ended well.

"Get back here little girl!" The baker yelled angrily.

Hydra didn't look back, she wasn't going to risk being caught. She needed to keep running. If this was a boy doing the same thing, the punishment wouldn't have been as harsh and she needed to get this bread to her parents.

"Someone catch her!"

Hands latched onto Hydra's shoulders and she was thrown to the ground. Pain rocketed through her.

"Thieves don't fit in here." The man who caught her spat. He kicked her in the side and pulled her up by the arm, slapping her repeatedly on the side of her head and cheek, her hood luckily hadn't been thrown off. He snatched the bread from her hands and passed it to the baker who was looking at Hydra in disgust.

He hasn't thought to take my hood off! Hydra thought as the stinging got worse.

"Get out of here!" The man screamed throwing her to the floor. He spat at her, the saliva sticking to her cloak. Her hood was threatening to come off. She got up weakly, throwing a glare to everyone who was onlooking the situation and stumbled as she took the first few steps. Then she started running, her black cloak waving in the wind like a cape, she pulled the hood further down her face.

Hydra's eyes filled with tears. No proper dinner that night. Just a weak flavourless stew. Soon she reached the main road along the village and she was going at a steady pace, still stumbling but had no intention on tripping. She didn't see where she was going and she ended up running into someone. She fell to the ground with an "Oof."

"Are you okay?" The person asked his voice had an Italian accent that was strong but he had obviously made himself be able to be understood.

Hydra stared up and nodded not making eye contact.

"No you're not little one, look at you... how about you come with me? We can get you patched up."

Does he have no idea that I'm the thief? Does he care? Hydra wondered.

"Get up. We'll go back to my place. You look half starved."

She pushed herself from the floor and as the man walked she stumbled along beside him.

"It isn't far from here. My home I mean."

Soon, they reached a house. It was bigger than many of the houses in the village. Once inside, Hydra sighed.

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