Time To Be Awesome!

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After the Terror-Con incident, Ratchet has forbidden all contact with Bumblebee. Everyone else has to find someways to not fail at their missions, without their fearless leader there to help them.

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, however, have been trying to reach Bumblebee and bring the light back into his spark.

One day, the twins went to Bumblebee's room and found him chained up to his berth. "Bee....?" Sideswipe asked as he walked closer. "Get....AWAY!!!!!" Bee yelled and the Energon sucking pipe came out of his throat.

Sideswipe gasped and he fell back and Sunstreaker help him to get back up. Bee closed his eyes and leaned back on the berth.

Sideswipe looked away and then, he looked back and sang.

I know the world can get you down.
Things don't work out quite, the way that you thought.

Sideswipe sliced his Decepticon Hunter through the chains and letting Bumblebee fall to the floor.

Feeling like all your best days are gone.
Your fears and doubts, are all you got.

Bee looked up with his indigo optics, but without the pipe and saw a sweet and warming smile from Sideswipe who continued to sing.

But there's a light, shining deep inside.
Beneath those fears and doubts, so just squash 'em.
And let it shine, for the world to see.
That it is time, yeah!
Time to be awesome!

Sunstreaker joined in with Sideswipe when he started to hum a small part of the song.

Bee regained a little bit of his control of his body and started to sing.

You've no idea, how hard it's been...
(It's time to be awesome!)
This dull routine that I've been forced to do.

Bee felt the Dark Energon brainwashing him once more, and Sideswipe pushes him onto his back and sang.

Don't let it rob you, of who you are.
Be awesome, it's all up to you!

Sideswipe got up and so did Bee. Bee's optics started to regain their Energon blue colour as he sang.

I feel the light, stirring deep inside.
It's like a tale, still yet to be told!

Now, the three mechs sang together.

And now it's time, to break the darkness free.
And start, living like the brave and the bold!

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker grabbed their Decepticon Hunters and Sideswipe handed Bee his as they sang.

It's time to be, awesome!
Let loose be true, so awesome!
It's time to be, awesome!
Go big, be you, so awesome!

Bee and the twins jumped over the gate of the scrapyard and ran into the forest, while singing

We feel that light!
Filling up our skies!

When the reached a cliff, Sideswipe noticed a tiny drop of Dark Energon flowing down Bee's chest. He let it flow onto his hand and threw it as he sang.

So take that Terror-Con's orders and toss 'em!

The three mechs smiled and sang in harmony.

'Cause it's the time, to let our colours fly!

Bee turns to the twins and sang.

Hey Autobots it's, time to be awesome!

The three mechs smiles as they ran through the forest having the time of their lives, until Bee tripped over a rock and ran into Sideswipe and Sunstreaker ran into them.

They rolled down a hill and at the bottom. They landed on top of each other. "Sorry." Bee said with a little chuckle. "It's okay." Sideswipe giggled. "By all means, it's okay." Sunstreaker giggles as well and they all went into a giggling fit.

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