The Terror-Con emerges

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Sideswipe and Sunstreaker reaches the scrapyard and opened the gate.

Sideswipe took Sunstreaker to meet his team. "Hey team." Sideswipe smiled and push Sunstreaker forward. Bee team looked so surprised when Sunstreaker got pushed forward. "Hey....." Sunstreaker nervously said with a smile.

"Oh my gosh! You're Sideswipe's win-trim-twin!" Fixit yelled and walked forwards to greet him. "By the allspark, you guys look exactly the same! Except your paint job." Windblade said and she pushed the twins next to each other.

"Man, you are exactly like each other." Denny said as he put on a pair of glasses, trying to look smart. "Wow! Cyber-twins are so cool and cute!" Russell yelled and the twins looked at each other.

"Sideswipe, Bumblebee is waking." Ratchet said when he came from a private part of the scrapyard.

Sideswipe, with the rest of the team, raced to see Bee. When they got there, Bee's optics slowly opened. Revealing a indigo color, which scared Ratchet who quickly reached for a pipe.

Bee sat up and in a terrifying voice, he said. "Energon......" Everyone was so scared at how Bee acted, they all wished that their leader is just pulling a prank. Bee however looked up and an Energon sucking pipe came out of his throat.

Drift and Ratchet charged towards Bee, who dodged them and was about to suck the Energon dry out of them. Strongarm shot Bumblebee just before the pipe latched down on Drift's neck, that caused Bee to change his attention to the cadet.

Bee walked closer, so close to Strongarm that he could've sucked her Energon dry, Ratchet hit him in the back of the head and knocking him out.

"Is he.....dead?" Strongarm asked. "Nope, just knocked out." Ratchet replied and cuffed Bee up. "We might as well keep him locked up for the time being." Ratchet said and he dragged Terror-Con Bumblebee away.

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