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<Ali POV>

I woke up at 6:30 on a Monday morning. I hate Mondays. I did my daily routines,brushed my teeth,shower,get dressed,and put on makeup. As I was walking to school I see someone I always hated. Pigskin. "Hey pigskin. Trying to get skinnier?" She stopped and gave me a glare. I gave one back. I bumped her shoulder and went on my way.


I went to my locker before I went to class. I see Emily standing with her back against my locker. I gave her a sweet smile. "Hey." I said as I walked up to her. She looked furious. "Why did you talk to Paige this morning? Because of you she's not attending school today. Thanks ali." She said as she walked away. I knew they were dating but I didn't expect Emily to be so mad. I opened my locker and I see a note. It's from Noel. It says...

Hey ali. Meet me at my house? 6 pm.


Ugh. All he wanted to do is have sex. I'm not into him in that way. He is a good kisser though. I walked to my first period to see all the girls looking at me. "What?" I say in a annoyed sound. So what. I bully everyone. It really doesn't matter. I know they would forgive me. Especially Emily. She has so much power over me,but she doesn't know it. Her dating Paige just annoys me. What does she see in pigskin anyways?

<Emily POV>

This morning Paige called me and said she isn't going to school today.

"Hey Em change of plans,I'm not going to school today."

"What why Paige? Skipping school isn't good you know?"

"Alison humiliated me. I don't want to see her face today."

"Ok then I'll talk to her. Bye"

When that phone call ended I wanted to kill Alison. I love Paige...well I think I do. In English I told the girls what happened. We thought ali was going to change. Guess not. We all looked at Ali as she came in the class. She looked at all of us and said "what?". She's sounded annoyed so we all looked away.

As Mr Fitz was talking about a book I feel my phone vibrate. I checked to see who it was. It was Ali.

Ali: Hey meet me at my house? 5:30?

Emily: I have to work. 7:30?

Ali: see you then ;)

Just when that conversation ended I see Paige coming in the class. I looked at her and so did the 4 girls. We thought she wasn't coming. She sat right next to me. I whispered "I thought you were skipping today." I replied "I have a physics test today. Worth 50% of my grades. I can't skip it."

<Ali POV>

I see Emily and Paige talking during class. I feel like I could punch Paige right now. I take a few glimpse until I can't take it. They disgust me. Emily deserves someone better. I raise my hand and ask if I could go to the restroom. There was a few minutes left in class so I took my bag and books. As I was making my way to the bathroom I hear "ALI WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" It was a voice that I loved. It was Emily's voice. I looked behind me and gave her a quick smile. I headed to the restroom and looked at the mirror. The door opens and it wasn't a surprise. It was the person that was behind me. Emily. She came in and asked "Hey what's going on? Why did you just leave near the end at class? Why didn't you just wait?" I looked at her brown eyes. I went up to her as fast as I can and kissed her passionately. She was shocked at first but kissed back.

<Emily POV>

Ali rushed to me. She connected our lips. I was shocked at first but then I began to rest my arms on her waist as she has her arms on my neck. She pulled away. I looked into her glistening blue eyes. She lets go of my neck and walks out the door. Then,I get a text. It was an unknown number.


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