Chapter 1

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Baekhyun pov

After my crazy few weeks working I finally get 4 days off which I am so greatful for. Being a emergency room doctor has it's good days and bad. The sick people I help and the ones we can't help. You can't wear your heart on your sleeve doing the job I do you have to switch off your emotions and try get through the day.

I turn in my bed to look at the alarm clock sitting on my bedside table and see the time 11.45am. I have slept well and I feel rested which is good. I check my phone seeing a message from Sehun making sure I am still meeting up with him for lunch today. I quickly reply and close my phone before looking at it again seeing the date I realise I've slept a whole day nearly I smile while stretching out my tired body before getting out of bed.

I turn on my music and hop into the shower  washing away the night. Once I'm finished buffing and scrubbing my body I wrap a towel around my waist and stand in front of my wardrope. Opening the doors I look inside at the clothes I haven't worn lately due to me wearing or praticially living in my doctor scrubs and white coat.

I rummage through hangers and hangers of clothes that haven't seen the light of day in what feels like years. I'm sure half my clothes are out dated by now. Rummaging futher more I finally find a pair of blue denim tight jeans and cream jumper. Smiling that I actually found something I quickly get ready.

Once dressed and looking alot fresher then I have been in days I grab my car keys, wallet and phone and leave my apartment.

"Hello Baekhyun how are you doing sweetie?" I lock my door while hearing Mrs Lee my neighbour.

"I'm good Mrs Lee how have you been?" I smile towards her as she blushes. "Oh baekhyun if only I was a younger lady" she loves to tease me, but she is a harmless 70 year old woman who loves life and acts much younger.

"I'm better then before dear, just back from my morning walk, you know you gotta clear the old cobwebs with a  fresh morning stroll" he smiles while reaching for her door.

"I haven't heard or seen you in awhile, is everything ok?" She looks at me all worried.

"I'm ok Mrs Lee don't worry I just had a few days off so I've been sleeping" I try reassure her as she likes to make sure I'm ok.

"Ahhh I see dear, well you make sure you rest well" she smiles before entering her apartment as I head down the stairs to my car.

I pull up to Sehuns office building parking my car out front and heading inside as he wants to have lunch in his building and since the mini restaurant in his building is also open to visitors of people in building I'm allowed go in.

Reaching the lift I step inside seeing a tall very handsome man standing in the corner of the lift wearing a light grey suit with a white shirt. I find myself staring as he looks up from his phone and smiles. "What floor?" He asks making me stutter "3.... no 5 sorry" I feel my cheeks go red as I turn away while he presses the button for floor 5.

" I haven't seen you before, do you work here?" He asks making me turn too look at him.

" I'm just visiting a friend of mine for lunch" I can't help but look at his stunning looks, his jaw line is sharp his hair is perfect, his body is wow and his scent is making me weak at the knees as it fills the small space.

"Who may your friend be?" He puts his phone in his inside pocket while waiting for my reply.

"Sehun .... I'm mean Oh Sehun" I look up at the floor numbers above the door trying not to blush.

"Ahh yes Sehun who works for me, nice guy" he says making me turn to look at him. "Yes he is a great guy"

The lift reaches floor 5 making the doors slide open. "It was nice meeting you....? He holds out his hand waiting for my reply

"Oh sorry Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun" I shake his hand feeling the power and softness of his large hands.

"Well it was nice to meet you Baekhyun, enjoy your lunch" he smiles as I step out before quickly turning back to ask him

" Sorry I never got your name?" I watch as he smiles.

"It's Kim Jongin"



I know it ain't chanbaek but give it a chance

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