36. A Four Man Job

Start from the beginning

"Yeah but we also figured that it could cause some trouble, so we decided it should be a three man job. Didn't realise you would be bringing the wife along" Sean joked, flashing a playful smile at Ashley making her fight off a small laugh.

"Anyone ever told you that you're real funny, MacGuire?" Micah asked through gritted teeth, trying to hold back comments and fight of his anger and irritation with the Irishman.

"All the time!" Sean exclaimed happily as if he didn't even notice Micah's foul mood. Of course he did notice it, he just enjoyed it too much. Ashley being here was like knowing that he could poke the bear without it ripping him apart.

"Alright you two, leave it alone. Arthur, I thought we were robbing some folk not babysitting" Ashley rolled her eyes, deciding to talk to the other mature adult in this situation.

"Really, Ash?" Micah huffed, turning his head to look at the woman riding beside him.

"Aw, come on. I'm just messin' with you" Ashley chuckled, sending Micah a sincere smile. "Sean leave Micah alone, he's come to help. Micah, try not to kill Sean" she rolled her eyes at them both before focusing her attention back to following Sean and Arthur along the dirt road.

"Hey, wasn't the first job you two did together robbing a homestead?" Arthur asked the two outlaws riding slightly behind him.

"Yeah, nearly killed him" Ashley nodded, chuckling to herself while Micah just rolled his eyes.

"Ah, memories. How romantic" Sean teased sarcastically.

"Shut up, Sean" both Micah and Ashley said in unison, making them look at each other. Ashley started laughing to herself while Micah just had an amused smirk on his face.

"Oh, now, I don't like that at all" Sean shook his head, referring to the pair speaking simultaneously with a look of horror on his face that made Arthur laugh to himself.

Finally the four outlaws rode up to the cabin that Sean had talked about, approaching through the trees so that they weren't seen by any O'Driscolls that might still be there. The four dismounted their horses and moved to a spot at the outskirts of the trees to get a better visual of the cabin. They all crouched down and hid among the trees and grass.

"They're still here. The fire is lit" Arthur hummed, having had noticed the smoke as they rode up to the cabin.

"Yeah, I can see them moving around in there" Ashley nodded, sighing as she lent against the tree beside her.

"So, what are the options?" Sean asked as they continued to watch the movement through the windows.

"One of us could knock on the door, distract them, one of us waits back here with a gun in case things go wrong while the other two sneak into the cabin and grab what they can" Arthur suggested with a slight shrug as he turned to face the other three.

"We can't tell how many are in there but I'm guessing there is quite a few of them, they won't all come to the door" Micah shook his head, they couldn't get them all out of the cabin that way.

"That's a good point, it's risky. We could just wait a while, they might all go to sleep and give us a chance to just sneak around and search the place" Ashley nodded, looking between the two men.

"What if they have people on watch? They could be taking it in shifts to sleep so that they aren't attacked" Sean pointed out and turned back to face the other three who all nodded.

"Damn, when did O'Driscolls get smart?" Arthur sighed, leaning back against the tree behind him.

"So...we are just going to have to do this the fun way?" Micah asked with a smirk, making Ashley roll her eyes even if a small smile tugged at her lips.

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