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"Shut the fuck up, Miller." Margo sneered into the radio, ignoring the burning sensation in her chest. Now was not the time to be jealous.

Ben scoffed down the device. "Sorry, forgot I'm in a committed relationship with a ghost who came back after six years."

"You wish, asshole." Margo snorted.

William looked back to Margo, frowning upon seeing her sour features. She was jealous that Ben complimented another woman and even if she didn't admit it, he hated that the thought crossed his mind. He shouldn't care about Vixen anymore, after all, she was the representation of her nickname. She'd only rip your heart out after toying with it for several months and crush it beneath her as though it meant nothing to her before moving on to her next victim, which so happened to be his own brother, to which he didn't care, seeing as how that's what happens if you fall for the wrong person, especially when they were in a relationship with someone so close to home.

"I fucking knew it." Margo visualised Redfly shaking his head.

"Fuck off." Pope's tone held amusement.

Now, William and Margo walked quietly, keeping a low profile behind the brick walls that surrounded the property. As they looked through the slight gaps between, they could see men on their knees with bags over their heads and guns getting ready to unleash hellfire.

"God damn." William breathed. "I got an execution about to go down over here."

"Are you at the tennis courts?"

Margo decided to reply for William as he was intrigued by the scene just seconds away. "Yeah."

"Yeah. That's his spot."

Suddenly, the bodies slumped to the floor, a man trailing his gun from each of the men's heads. In shock, even though she knew it was going to happen, she hadn't seen death so up close and personal since her father's death and she jumped back, only to be shushed by Ironhead who pulled her into his side as a way to comfort her. He knew she'd get flashbacks to their last day of service and his lips pursed. If he could, he'd take all her suffering away.

She tried to remain strong but all she could think about was watching her father dying as she relived a haunting memory that never evaded her mind. Until the last man dropped like a fly, William held her tighter, even placing a kiss on her forehead and whispering sweet nothings to distract her. Sometimes, people break because they've been strong for too long and right now, she became shattered  but she'd build herself back up again for the sake of survival.

Frankie muttered. "Why is she doing this?"

"She hopes I can get her little brother out of jail."

"Did you put him in jail?" Benny probed.

"Not really."

Margo sighed. "Even though I don't trust this bitch, I understand where she's coming from. I'd do the same for my brother."

"I'm guessing that's putting her at some risk." Tom said.

"Man, I almost forgot why I got out of this business." Frankie spoke on all their behalves. "Shit gets so dark so quick." 

Ben spoke lowly to the radio. "Oh shit, we got ground sensors here, boys and girl."

Santiago was startled. "Did you hit one?"

"I don't know. I'm not sure."

Frankie spoke. "Benny, I got two guys on motorbikes coming your way."

"Hold tight, Benny. We're trying to get out there to cover you." William told his brother.

Across the water and through the mist that licked at their faces, William and Margo ran and took cover behind the tree, whipping out their guns as the sound of motorbike engines revved through Lorea's entry gate.

"A stock boy job at Walmart's starting to look pretty good right now, guys." Ben sounded on edge.

Margo's hand tightened round the radio. "Can't beat a nine to five job working at a shitty local diner with shitty local customers."

"I'll pay you a visit when we get back, darlin."

"Don't bother." Margo avoided William's eyes. "'When' is a big understatement." 

"I'll say it because I mean it." Ben copied her words from earlier.

"I'm not gonna make it out of here alive." Margo's eyes clouded with tears. "I'm not cut out for this shit anymore." 

Ben scoffed. "You bet your sweet little ass I'm gonna get you home in one piece."

"Would you knuckleheads be quiet? We're busy here." Frankie tutted.

"I'm clear. They're coming back to you." Ben told his brother.

William sighed in relief as the motorbikes drove off. "Let's get the fuck outta here."

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