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I sat with my mate and sister and took a deep breath.

"In my time it was normal for soldiers to come into villages and take teen boys and drag them away to join the army." I said. "Sometimes me and my sisters would hid as when they stole what they like and killed who ever got in there way. Our mother...she was one of those people." I frowned sadly. "It's why your paintings effected me in such a way."

"Eaven." Mary said almost nudging me to tell him the rest.

"As you heard yesterday at dinner I was raped. I had spent too much time in Ireland and I had been found. I was captured and beaten. One man chose to rape me and steal my virginity. Because of that man I conceived April. I love my daughter but it kills me every time I look at her and see the monster that took the one thing I didn't want stolen from me." I said and Caius grabbed my hand.

"Love, I did these things just under 2 thousand years ago. I may be a harsh and cold heater ruler but you and April will never be harmed by me and you will never see those things." He frowned.

"Why did you do them? To those people to begin with?" Mary asked.

"It's not a pleasant story. And not one I like to share with just anyone." Caius said frowning.

"I think after everything my sisters told you she deserves to know." Mary said getting up. "I'll go check on April." I nodded and she left the room.

"Well I guess it starts in my childhood. As you know back then men joined the army and woman cooked, cleaned and had children." I nodded. "My father was a general in the army and a very power hungry man. He abused me and my mother. My mother was not good enough in his eyes and he hated the fact I wanted to be a artist." I frowned and squeezed his hand, encouraging him to continue.

"My mother died when I was only 8 and my father couldn't take it. He remarried but the woman didn't like me so my own father gave me to his second in command. Only he had a thing for young boys." He stopped and I tensed. No. Don't tell me...

"He...he raped you?" I asked.

"Yes. When I turned 14 I joined the army to get away from him. The night before I left I killed him in his sleep."

"He was the man in the painting." I said and he nodded.

"After that I stained with the army until Aro found me dying." I nodded. "While in the army I tried to stay out of things like raping woman and killing innocents. But the other soldiers took note of it and soon forced me to take part. Soon the idea of having power over others...it made me feel like god. It wasn't until I was dying I realised that I was a monster and had gone too far. After Aro turned me I was still a cold hearted monster but I knew when I was out matched." He said.

"It was your father that had made you the way you was originally." I frowned.

"He was the one person I didn't want to be but I ended up turning into him despite the fact I hated him." He said.

"I can sort of relate." I said with a sad smile. "After our mothers death my father also remarried. The lady he married was so kind to us all. Well not me. She hated me because I looked the most like my mother. My father treasured me for that. I reminded him of her. She beet me and my father never new. She made sure he would see the marks. I was so scared to tell him. So my sisters did. Even thought we pick on each other and give each other a hard time we will always protect each other." I smiled. He kissed my head and pulled me closer, sniffing my scent.

"I missed laying with you last night. Please come back to our room. Where I can keep you safe." I cuddled into him.

"Why didn't you tell me about your passed? And about your ex wife?" I asked.

"My passed isn't a happy one I didn't want to horrify or scare you. And my ex wife wasn't much of a wife. We was married for only 5 years before she left. We wasn't together for very long." He said.

"Oh." I said and he chuckled kissed my cheek.

"Let's go back to our room and lay together. You've had enough stress for the day." I nodded and cuddle into him as he picked me up and carried me to our room where I slept in my mates arms.

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