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𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑟: 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑏𝑦 𝐵𝑜𝑦𝑠

As promised, that evening Betty dragged Sabrina, along with her siblings, down to the Garrison for a welcome back. It had only took her five seconds after entering their home and dropping her bags off, for Betty to whisk her away to their shared bedroom. She had pulled out piles upon piles of dresses and handbags, before shortly finding nothing to wear.

"Wait a minute." Sabrina said as she skipped back out of the door and down the stairs. She reappeared in the room with a suitcase.

"I brought you something back." Sabrina pulled out a parcel. It was wrapped neatly in brown paper and a blue ribbon.

Sabrina called for Mary, who walked in with Jane. She held out another two packages, wrapped just as precisely. Jane squealed, running to grab her own with a beam. Mary smiled and hugged Sabrina, before unwrapping her gift carefully.

The oldest sibling turned at the sound of a gasp from behind her. Betty held her dress in the air. It was shorter, it's waistline low and with fabric the colour of the night sky, scattered with sparkling stars, when hit by the light. The dress was perfect for Betty and her darker hair and eyes.

"I love it!" She exclaimed, hugging the dress to her chest and pulling her sister in for a side hug.

Mary and Jane had both unwrapped their own dresses. The youngest held hers to her body, twirling around in circles, giggling as the soft, purple fabric twirled around her waist and tickled her ankles.
"I feel like a princess!"

She fell back into Sabrina's arms, wrapping her own around her waist. "That's because you are a princess."

"Thank you Sabrina, these dresses are lovely." Mary said with a smile. Her own dress was a fashionable pink dress, a low waistline and boxy straps like Betty's.

The girls dressed quickly into their new dresses and helped each other style their hair in waves. It was not an hour later when the girls were heading downstairs to meet the rest of the Lewis family.

"How long does it take to change a bloody dress." Peter whined as they stopped in the door way.

Betty flicked the young boys head and with a roll of her eyes, said, "for a twelve year old your over mouthy."

The seven Lewis children along with their father left the house, mostly bickering, before meeting Henry and Jenny part way down the street. Sabrina walked close to Betty, nudging her lightly to get her attention.

She dipped her brows as she noticed the content smirk that was on Sabrina's lips; it looked unnatural in her innocent face. She nodded her head slightly in motion to the older man that had joined the front of the group.

"I hope you noticed them glances Henry gave you." Sabrina said with a chuckle and raised eyebrows suggestively. Betty pushed her sister slightly, her cheeks rising in a slight flush.
"What you on about?" Betty muttered.

Sabrina brightened at the sight of her reddened face. "You proper fancy him, don't you?" She whispered, although in excitement it came out as more of a shout.

"Keep your voice down." Betty's hushing just made Sabrina even more happy.

"I'll take that as a yes." Sabrina said, her voice quite. "And he likes you too. Has done for ages."

Betty rolled her eyes and interlocked their arms. She couldn't resist a quick glance in the man's direction, watching as he walked silently down the street next to her father, his strong, sculpted hand reaching to smoke his cigarette.

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