i see you

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»At this moment, I'll never forget that one encounter that'll never happen again..«

Jimin's POV

Sitting quietly in the van with the others, I kept on scrolling and scrolling on Snapchat looking at my previous posts and stuff, half-bored, I started to be curious on where we are going exactly,

"So, what's for today? Where are we going?"

I didn't bother to take my eyes off of my phone, but I managed to get a reply from Jin as soon as I asked,

"Line company, don't know what we're going to do though.."

I looked at the time and we seem to be arriving very shortly to the place, not that I've been there before, but I just feel like we're close, for a few minutes we arrived at the company, we were greeted by the owner, the director, the receptionist and also the guards, good thing that there wasn't many people around or we will be bomboarded by fans, some of the workers also greeted us, we bowed back to return the kind gesture of letting us cooperate with them,

The 7 of us walked to where the director lead us, it was an empty room with shelves and frames all over, confused on what was going on, I was surprised to hear that we were going to create Line characters of our own, all of us smiled in shock and RM was the most excited about this since he had a Line character that he adores, we were settled by the information given to us that we will spend the whole day creating our original characters with the help of designers of their own,

They set us in a room that was very comfortable and lively, with the sun accompanying the room as it seeps in through the large windows,

Of course we will not miss out this moment without recording the whole thing, so before we started I asked permission to go to the bathroom, they gave me directions and I followed quickly, I hurried since I didn't want to cause a delay, with the thought of going back early, I ran without noticing that I bumped into someone and set us off to the ground

"I-I'm sorry! I-I mean, mianhe! N-no I- uhh umm.."

Papers were flying everywhere, based by the voice it was a girl I bumped into, she started to fret as she tries to catch the papers, but failed to, I helped her get some in the air, she was still on the ground fetching the ones on the floor, I chuckled at how cute she was stressing about it,

I gave her a hand and lend the papers she needed, she thanked me but as soon as she made eye contact with me, she abruptly stopped and seemed to be in shock, as if she saw a ghost,

"A-a-a-are you P-p-p-park Jimin? THE Park J-J-Jimin?"

She was about to cry, a bit dramatic and leaving me confused, I tried to smile and nodded, the girl coughed and seemed to calm down, a touch of red remained on her cheeks and reached the tip of her ears,

"I'll be going then.." She left quickly and left me on the hallway, I realized that I was supposed to go to the bathroom, moments later I came back as soon as they gathered and sat down at the couch, they just started recording,

They gave us papers and crayons and we started to draw like kids, I laughed at my drawing the whole time and so did everyone to their own works, the room was filled with roaring laughter as soon as J-hope introduced his character, it was supposed to be a horse but it looked like a lobster,

"Don't worry, there will be edits made, we just need the raw idea of your characters." The director laughed and let us draw what we want,

Suga had trouble with creating one so he just draw a circle with a face in it, we all laughed but I mostly laughed at Jin's work,

"Hyung, why does yours look like a poodle?" I pointed at his paper and laughed,

"It's an alpaca!" Jin shouted back at me and laughed but a bit offended, we all laughed

Later on, 3 of the character designers of the company came in and was introduced to us, a familiar face caught my eye, and it was the girl I bumped into, her name was y/n as I heard..

Haven't I heard that name somewhere before..?

The director continue to speak but I just stared at y/n, trying to remember where I have heard or rather seen her, deep in thought, I didn't realize that she looked at my way and smiled, my face heated up in embarassement quickly pacing at a different direction, I must've stared too long, my heart fluttered not knowing why,

I swear, I've seen her somewhere before...

I was doing fine with my own character so the 3 designers was appointed to V, Jin and J-hope, they weren't doing quite fine so they were assisted but not much change happened to their drawings, I laughed at Jk's work, it was so him, our golden maknae as a bunny with muscles, despite his talent in drawing, he was also good at creating a character of his own,

V finished early as I heard y/n laugh at his work, V was serious and proud of his heart-faced alien who can transform into anything, turning my gaze to y/n, she was laughing with V and I felt my chest harden for no reason once again, I coughed the feeling off and continued on drawing my character,

Moments later, all of us were finished and was requested to introduce and describe our work, J-hope started and so the order was from right to left, as Suga began to talk, I glanced at y/n for a while to see her listening very carefully, it was cute how she would listen like an innocent child, I just noticed how she was neatly dressed, she looked beautiful...


Wait whut 😃

I shook my head to get rid of the thought, I'm not supposed to like anyone, I'm a busy idol - I don't have time for this,

Thinking hard as I force to forget about it, I heard a loud 'ehem' beside me, and it brought me back to reality, it was my turn and everyone was looking at me, my head spun, feeling the pressure and embarassement, so I just laughed it off and apologized for spacing out, I could feel y/n looking at me and laughing and quiet down quickly so no one would notice, I smiled..

"Why do you remind me so much of someone..."

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