Fun Fair

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Steve Harrington

Fun Fair

I breathed in the fresh air, exhaling softly as my eyes wandered around my neighborhood. The trees swayed softly and the sun was shining down on our skins, making us feel all warm and serene.

"Hey." I looked down from the cloudless blue sky down to Dustin Henderson, one of my brothers best friend.

"Yes? You're disturbing my day." I raised a brow at him, moving over to sit down on a chair I had placed outside.

"Is your brother here?" Will Byers, another one of my brothers best friend said.

I sighed, before yelling, "Lucas!" Thudding footsteps could be heard from inside until the front door was swung open, my younger brother Lucas emerging from inside. "You're friends are here," I said as I opened a magazine I had, taking a sip from my lemonade.

They did their little bro-hug before taking their bikes and racing down the street towards most likely Mikes house, another one of their best friends.

The front door opened again and this time, my little sister Erica appeared, wandering her eyes before they landed on me. "Do you not have friends or something?" She asked.

I scrunch up my eyebrows as I lifted my eyes from my magazine towards my sister who had her arms crossed, her hair is small pigtails.

"Do you not have something better to do in your life then bother me?" I asked her.

"It's just, you never leave the house. I'm beginning to wonder if anyone even likes you." She dragged a chair from inside towards me, setting it down in front of me before she plopped herself down.

"I have friends, thank you very much," I grumbled, shuttling my magazine as it didn't look like Erica was gonna be leaving anytime soon.

"Like who?"

I took a sip from my lemonade as I watched her with narrowed eyes. "Like, I don't know, Nancy? Jonathan? Um, I sometimes hang out with Steve and Robin."

"From Scoops Ahoy?" She asked with wide eyes, leaning her body towards me.

"Yes, the people who work there." I rolled my eyes, leaning back in my chair. The soft breeze that past by made my hair slightly flow towards the left.

"Do you think they'll give me free ice cream if you asked for me?" She asked as her eyes gleamed with joy.

"No." I simply said.

She pouted and then she thought, her eyes squinted. "I'm gonna tell dad you're being mean to me." She finalized.

I chuckled. "See if I care." When she got up, I placed my feet on her chair.

"Fine, I'll tell mom." She ran inside yelling for our mother and that's when I shot up, running after her.

"You little shit!" I pulled on her shirt, yanking her back and covering her mouth with my hand. "I'll ask Steve then!" I groaned.

I yelped, pulling my hand back and wiping it on my jeans as she had licked my hand. "Ugh!" I groaned.

She turned around, giving me an innocent smile. "I'll be waiting for my free ice cream tonight." She waltzed away towards her bedroom.

I gave her my middle finger before she fully shut her door.

"It's summer, our last summer as high school students and you wanna stay locked up in your house all day?" Nancy said as she gave me a pointed look as I laid on my bed.

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