Do you love her Fp? part 2

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He didn't wait for them to speak but walking up to the receptions desk.
- Emily, send two squads later when I send an address. Tell them to be prepared.
- Understood Sheriff.
- Let's go kids.

Jughead and Betty hurried after Fp. He walked up to one of the normal cars. They had the normal cars and sheriff cars. The normal cars were for missions when they didn't want anyone knowing who they were. Fp went to the driver's seat while the kids sat at the back. Betty told him the address and Fp started to drive. He drove the fastest he could without getting in trouble.

Betty watched him from the back.
- Mr. Jones, can I ask you something?
- What is it?
- Did something happen between you and my mom?
Fp glanced at her through the mirror.
- I know you know we dated in high school.
- We know, she said and looked at Jughead.
- But I mean now, in the present.
Fp took a deep breath and released it. He looked at them again before looking at the road.
- Dad?
Fp sighed before talking.
- Yes, we were together in secret.
- Seriously? Jughead asked.
- Yes
- But mom?
- We broke it off, or I broke it off when your mother arrived.
- You chose mom?
- I chose you, I didn't think I could be in Jellybean's life if I didn't. And I knew you wanted a family.
- I kinda realized about you and mom, I think both of us did but didn't want to say anything. Didn't want it to be real, Betty said.
- We never wanted to hurt you.
- Do you love her? Betty caught him off guard with the question.
- She asked me the same question.
- What did you answer?
- That it didn't matter then.
- What did you want to say?
- That I loved her.
Betty went silent. Fp was worried about what she would say.

Betty looked at Jughead and a silent agreement past between them.
- Then say it to her.
- What?
- She needs something stable in her life and I feel you could be that.
- I hurt her.
- But you love her.
- Look dad, we hurt each other but we also help each other, Jughead said and held Betty's hand.
- I think you could be a help for Alice.
- Yeah maybe.
- Maybe you could bring her back to me, to us, Betty said.
- I'm gonna try.
- Okay, Betty said.

They sat in silence for the rest of the way. Betty's head was on Jughead's shoulder. Fp was thinking about their earlier conversation. They soon arrived at the farm. Fp parked and they went out of the car. It was dark and they could see some light. Fp sent a message to Emily that she would send the squads now. They quickly but fast walked towards the light. It was some sort of garden. A few houses was behind the garden. They hid behind a wooden fence. The farmies were all sitting in a ring. Edgar was in the middle talking. They were close enough to hear what he was saying.
- You all have come so far since the first day I meet you. You have put your past behind you and I'm proud over you all.
He turned to look at all of them.
- You have all went through the tasks I have given you.
He took a pause.
- You have played the game and you have finally met the king.
Murmurs could be here.
- You're the king? It was Alice talking.
- Yes Alice and you have been a really great player.

The gargoyle king and Edgar was the same person. A million thoughts were going through their heads.

- But how? Alice asked.
- The farm was created a very long time ago. Some of our people went to sisters and came back with a story about a gargoyle king. We embrace that story and created the king. And the title has been passed through the time. It was my father before me, now it's me and the next is my daughter.
Alice looked up at him. Edgar kneeled down to Alice.
- Is there a problem with that.
- You never told me.
- It wasn't meant to tell you and the king helped you. We needed to do everything we did to help you. Do you understand that?
Alice was silent for a while.
- I understand.
Edgar stood again.
- Then let's continue, we need to sacrifice to the king. And I ask for blood.
Edgar lifted his hand and he was holding a knife.
- You know what to do.

Fp looked at Jughead and Betty and saw their terrified faces. He nodded and stood up. He took out his gun. Just as the farmies were about to slice their arms Fp shouted.
- Nobody moves!
- Fp! Alice cried.
She then saw Jughead and Betty.
- Jughead, Betty?
- Mom, Betty ran to Alice and took the knife out of her hand and threw it away.
- No mom, Betty said with tears in her eyes. She hugged Alice tight.

- Continue, Edgar screamed at the farmies.
Fp knew these people were brainwashed so he needed to think smart. He came up with an idea.
- You continue and your king is dead! He shouted. Fp had his gun raised on Edgar. Fp heard sirens. Help was here. Just a few minutes later policemen were all here.
- Be careful with them.
His gun was still aimed at Edgar. He saw Tom come towards him.
- Tom?
- I thought you could use some help, Emily thought I could help.
- Thank you.
Tom went behind Edgar and cuffed him. He pushed him and they walked to the cars.

Fp turned and saw Betty and Alice. Jughead was standing a bit from them to give them some space. Fp walked up to Betty and Alice and kneeled down in front of Alice on the grass.
- Alice
Alice looked at Fp.
Betty looked at them and stood up. She went to Jughead's side and he wrapped his arms around her.

- Fp, what did you do?
- Al, You need to look around, he never wanted to help you.
- He said he wanted to.
Fp shook his head. How did his tough girl become so different?
- He was the reason we all broke up in high school, he is the reason for all this death.
He put a hand on Alice's cheek.
- I arrested Gladys today, she was dealing with drugs, that's what I couldn't say to you that day.
- I asked you to chose between the farm and me but I will say my answer now.
He looked into her blue eyes.
- You asked me if I loved Gladys and my answer is no.
Alice looked into his eyes.
- Because I love you Alice, and I have loved you for these past 25 years, I never stopped.
- Is this true, a tear slid down her face.
- Yes, I love you so much. Please, I will help you to feel better, I will never leave again, never.
- You hurt me.
- I know and that was the biggest mistake I have done.
Tears were flowing down both their faces.
- You told me about Charles and even then I loved you.
- You don't hate me?
- I could never hate you Alice.
She closed her eyes.
- Please I need you Alice.
- I can't, she opened her eyes.
- Yes you can, please choose Betty.
- Betty, I have been so horrible to her.
- You did some mistakes but you couldn't think clearly. She forgives you. She loves you. You just need to come home. She needs you. I need you.
They were silent for a while. Alice put her hand on his cheek.
- It has always been you Fp. I love you so much. I wanted the farm to help but I know and I think I have known for a while that they never wanted to help me. But you did want to help.
She put her other hand around his neck. Fp put his other hand on her other cheek. He then gave her a passionate kiss. He drew back and put his forehead against hers.
- I promise you that I will help you. I will keep you safe. You won't hurt anymore.
He gave her a tight hug and Alice felt safe in his arms. She finally felt safe again after such a long time.
I said I would post this last week I think but I was really busy sorry. But I hope you enjoyed it.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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