Family above all

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They were all gathered in the speakeasy. Betty hade come runing to Alice demanding a meeting with the midnight club. So Alice called everyone and they decited to meet. The room was filled with tension as there were sworn enemies among them.  Both Fred and Fp were shooting glares at Hiram, if looks could kill Hiram would have been dead a long time ago. They were sitting or leaning against the tables. Fp was sitting on the stairs and Alice were standing not far from him. She was looking at Betty who was standing in front of them.
- Why have you called us here Alice? Sierra asked her.
- I would like to know that to, Betty?
- We need to talk about the game.
- The game? Fred asked looking terrified at the mention of the game.
- Betty, Alice warned.
- Yes the game.
- I banned the game, Hermione spoke.
- Yes but that won't stop people from playing it.
- Betty do you know something? Fp asked looking at her.
Betty knew how much he hates the game. How would she say that his kid was playing it. She took a deep breath before talking.
- Yeah, Jug, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Toni and Cheryl are all playing the game.
Fp had put his head in his hands at the mention of his son.
- Why do you want to talk with us Betty? Tom asked.
- I know that you played it.
At that Fp looked up.
- Mom told me.
- We made a pact to not talk about it Alice, Penelopes words made Alice blood boil. She never liked that woman.
- I did it to protect her, I care about my daughter, I don't know much about you Penelope.
The two women were glaring at each other.
- How much do you know? Fp said before the women would start a fight.
- Everything Betty said.
- Everything? Fp asked.
- Yes I know about Charles, Betty said.
Fp looked at Alice who looked away from him and lookes at her daughter instead.
- What did Jughead do? Fred asked.
- I was going to go and tell him about what I knew but when I went to the bunker... Fp interrupted her.
- Bunker?
- It was there Dilton and Ben where playing the game.
- I went into the bunker and saw them playing. Jug seemed so different. Like he was possessed she continued looking concerned.
- When was this? Fred asked her.
- Two days ago, when you told me about it mom.
- I tries to make him stop but he keept saying that the way to stop the gargoyle king was to keep playing.
I couldn't make him stop so I called this meeting.
- This isn't good, Sierra said.
- Are you sure that you don't know who it is? Not even a suspision? Betty asked.
- Like I said Betty, everyone had taken fizzle rocks. No one was on their right mindes.
Betty sank down to a chair. Her hair was loose and she had her serpent jacket on.
- And no one but me saw that wierd costume, Alice continued.
- So what am I going do, Jug won't stop playing it, what if something happens  to him, her eyes started to get wet.
Alice walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. Alice drew back and looked at her daughter.
- We will do everything to keep you kids safe, Alice said looking at Fp then on the other parents. She stepped back and Betty saw the other parents nodd. Hermione came up to Alice.
- We sure will.
She smiled at Betty.
- Is Veronica playing, Hermione asked serious.
- No and she won't, Betty assured her.
- She is to busy thinking about Archie right now, Betty said and glared at Hiram.
- And I don't think anyone else is playing, she said to the concerned parents.
- So the midnight club is reforming again, Hermione said.
- Yeah I guess, Tom said.
- What should we do, Betty asked.
- We are gonna take down the gargoyle king once and for all, Fp said and looked at all of them.
He saw them all nodd even Penelope and Hiram. It felt good to be together again. If felt right.


They were gathered in Fred's livingroom. Sierra, Tom, Fred, Hermione, Alice, Fp and their kids.
No one really liked Penelope and Hiram had gone down for a lot of crimes with the help of Hermione.
Alice were sitting with her Southside jacked on. The farm and The gargoyle king were connected after all. The farm had created the a game along time ago and every time someone played it, the farm would create mind games and kill people. Polly had taken her babies and gone to Los Angeles and Alice were working everything through. She had the help of her daughter, her friends and Fp.

The Adults were all sitting on the couches. The couples sitting beside each other. Betty and Jugead knew about their parents and was now okay with them. Same thing went with Fred and Hermione. They had become closer with time.
Fp was playing with Alice hand.
The kids were sitting on the floor looking up at their parents.

- I can't believe you all were friends! Josie said looking at her mother.
- Well we where as unbelievable as It sounds, Sierra said.
- Did you really wear a crown dad? Jughead asked his father.
- I did.
- We all did wear some pretty wierd stuff, Alice said.
- And you all dated back then, Kevin said and looked at them.
-We did, Fred answerd.
- And mom you fought with Penelope! Veronica said.
- Yeah I did and Alice also fought with her.
- Guilty, Alice raised her hand.
- Wow! Veronica looked at them with respect.
- Sorry to say but you all were crazy at your teen days, Kevin said.
- This wasn't even under the influence of fizzle Rocks and the game, Alice said
- We all were high that night, Tom said.
- Not everyone, it slipped out from Alice.
Five people in the room knew what she was talking about.
- What do you mean, we all took it?
- I didn't,
Tom, Fred and all kids but Betty and Jughead looked at Alice confused.
- I couldn't
- Alice you don't have to, Hermione said.
-It's okay.
She looked at the other before speaking again.
- I was preagnant at the time, so even if I wanted I couldn't take the drugs.
They are realized what she was talking about, they all knew a bit of the story about Charles.
- I didn't tell anyone beside Hermione and Sierra who was with me when I took the test. Not even to the father.
She looked at Fp.
- But wait didn't Hal know about the kid? Tom asked who assumes the child was Hals.
- No it wasn't him.
The kids looked at her with confusion wanting answers.
- You were with Fp at the time, Fred said.
- Wait so Charles is Mr.Jones child? Archie asked shocked.
- Yes, Fp said to all the surprised faces.
- So you share a sibling? Josie asked and looked at Betty and Jughead.
- Yeah we do, Jughead and Betty said answerd at the same time.
- You never told me, Fred said and looked at Fp.
- I didn't even know Fred, not until it was to late, Fp said quiet.
Alice was looking down, playing with her hands. Fp took them in his and made her look at him.
- And I'm not angry at you Alice.
She smiled at him. He could read her mind.
- Yeah I would have want to know but I don't blame you.
He drew her back to him and she but her head on his chest and he putt his arm around her.
Their friends and family smiled up at them.
- We are going to make new memories now, Hermione said and Fred put his arm around her.
- With family, Sierra looked at all of them.
- I think many of us have made a pact here, of not talking about something, Veronica said.
They all nodded at her.
- But let's make a pact about never to fall out of touch, to always be a family no matter where we are.
- I like the way you think, Alice said.
Veronica's smile grew at the words.
- So a pact of always being there for each other, Hermione said and looked at them.
- Yeah I would like that Kevin said.
And from that night and forward the pact never broke. No matter where they were or with who they were the pact remained unbroken. Because family made it out of love, and real love never dies out.

Falice one shots जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें