I will never forget you

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Alice was sitting in the back of the classroom. She had the view on who was there and who wasn't. She looked at the direction of where Fp used to sit and saw his seat empty. Where could he be? She asked her self. Not that Alice cared about him anymore, she was only curious. She turned and looked around and saw Hermione, Hiram, Hal, Fred, Tom and Sierra all on their places. She turned her attention to their math teacher and tried but failed to listen to what she was saying. She looked at the clock on the wall and were just waiting for the bell to ring. Why did the time go so slow. She let her thoughts wander around and she remembered all of her time with the midnight club. With Sierra and Tom, Fred and Hermione, her friends. And ofc Fp Jones. She missed that time so much but knew she would never be able to get back to that. Not with everything that had happend. She looked at the clock again and saw that it was half an hour left and her teacher were still talking about something really uninteresting.
That's when they heard a nock and all heads turned to the door. Princibal Weatherbee came in. He looked around the room until he spotted Alice.
- Miss Smith, will you please come out here?
Alice looked at him. She hadn't done anything wrong. She hadn't dealt with the serpents or anything illegal since the day she left her serpent jacket and life behind her. She slowly got up and walked towards Mr Weatherbee. She could feel all eyes burning on her. She made it to her princibal and they went out to the hall. She had expected him to say that she did something wrong and lecture her. What she didn't expect were to see Hog Eye standing there with his serpent jacket on. She looked at him. She left the serpent and if this was some way of getting her back it wouldn't work. But he looked at her with sad eyes and she felt like something was terribly wrong.
- Hog Eye? She questioned.
- Alice.
- I will leave you for now, I will need to talk with miss Anders.
So Weatherbee called her teacher and both of them went to his office to talk.
- What's going on Hog Eye.
- I don't know how to say this.
Alice looked at him concerned.
- Is something wrong? She tries to get him to talk.
- Yes
Alice heard it in his voice and saw it in his eyes. The grief was massive. Someone had died. She was afraid to ask her question. Who?
She looked him in the eyes and gathered the courage to ask the question.
- Who is it?
He saw that she understood what was going on and took a deep breath before looking her strait in the eyes.
- Fp, he said.
Alice felt like all her heart dropped. She felt her lungs empty of air.
- I know you broke up but I also know how much he ment for you.
FP wansen't a serpent when they dated but at that time Alice was, they would spend a lot of time in the white wyrme. She was a respected serpent and he may not be a official serpent at the time but he was the kings son so no one bothered them.
- No she looked at him with tears in her eyes.
- I'm sorry.
- Tell me this is one of his sick games.
He shook his head. Alice but her hand on her stomach. No this couldn't happen.
- He can't be dead, she said in a quiet voice.
- He is, Fp Jones is dead.
At those worlds realization hit her. He was really gone. He was dead. She would never get to see him again.
- No
She put her hand over her mouth trying to silence a sob but failed.
Hog eye took her in his arm holding here while she was crying. She drew back and stepped back after a while.

-How, how did he die, she demanded.
- He and some serpents went into ghoulie teritorium to do a job. They found them self in a fight and someone stabbed Fp. They brought him back an hour ago.
Alice felt emty inside. She started to sob uncontrollably. She feel to her knees and before Hog eye could comfort her she heard a pain hurting scream echo through the halls. She didn't realize until a few second that the scream came from her. She was shaking holding her stomach hugging herself. Her cheeks were wet and all of her makeup was destroyed. Black mascara dropping making her cheeks black. She felt a hand on her shoulder and she sat there until her sobs quiet down. Hog eye helped her up and she leaned on him for support as they made their way out from the school.


The class had become quite restless.  People were talking to their friends and throwing paper air planes at each other. Hermione looked around and saw her former friends either sitting being bored or chatting with their new friends. She turned around and saw Fred sit with his drumsticks in his hand. She turned around and wondered where Alice had gone. Its been a while and the teacher had gone after her not a long time ago.
Some more time passed by and everyone was wondering where Miss Anders where. They heard a scream from the hall and Hermione recognized it to be Alice. She looked around her friends and saw that that the whole room had dropped what they were doing. No one said a world. Should she go out and see if Alice was okay. They weren't friends anymore but she could at least se if she was okay. She stood up but couldn't do much before the door opened and Miss Anders followed by Weatherbee walked into the room.
- Please sit down, the latter said.
Hermione took her seat again.
- We have some bad news, he continued.
- I'm really sorry to inform you that Mr Jones is dead. He lost his life in a gang fight today.
Hermione felt her heart break at the words.
What? This couldn't be right. She looked around and saw Sierra crying. Tom didn't waste a second and got up to her hugging her tightly. The whole room was dead silence. He may have left the Bulldogs and became a serpent but the class was still close to him once and they couldn't believe this. Hermione looked around and saw Fred sitting, his drumsticks on the floor, no one heard when he dropped them. He banged his fist on the table
- Damn it, damn it.
He could feel the tears burning. Hermione didn't care that Hiram was calling her. She got up to Fred took his hand in hers and evolved him in a hug. He started to sob into her as she let her own tears run free.
- You will of course get the day of, you can leave when ever you want. Slowly the room emptied and the only ones left were Hermione holding Fred and Tom comforting Sierra. They stayed like that a while before going home.


Alice was slowly walking toward the group. She could se Tom, Sierra, Fred and Hermione standing a away from the group. They all turned when they heard footsteps. No one was sure if she would show up as no one had seen her in a few days. They all looked her up and down. She had said to Hal that she wanted to go the Fp's funeral but he refused so she broke it off right there. She had traded the pink to black. She wore her serpent jacket. She had no makeup and you could clearly se the dark bags under her eyes. Her hair was messy and unkempt.
Hog eye gave her a reassuring smile.
She watched as they lowered him into the ground. A few of the serpents talked about him. And then It was time for Forsythe senior.
- I lost my son, but he could say much more as he was interrupted by Alice.
- And it's your fault, she couldn't keep quiet.
- Excuse me?
- It's your fault!
- Alice, Hog Eye tried to stop her.
- No! He never wanted to be in the serpents! You made him do it! She screamed out loud!
- You beat him every day and broke his damn arm because he didn't want to become a serpent!
Everyone was looking at them and seeing Alice tearful face and shaking body.
- He wanted to go to college and you didn't let him, he would be alive now, Alice screamed at him.
Forsythe Pendelton Jones the first stepped towards her, anger on his face. Alice held her back straight but was still shaking from anger and her crying. Hog Eye saw this and stepped infront of her.
- Go away
- No don't do something you will regret Forsythe.
- You are taking a traitors side?
- No, she does have a point, Hog Eye said.
New anger appeared on his face and he looked around at the fellow serpents. They all had their heads down and on a way showing they agreed with Alice.
He turned away and walked away with big angry steps and was soon gone.
Alice walked towards the other serpents. She saw her friends walk their way towards her to stand on her side. Alice looked around at the serpents.
- I know I haven't been here with you for a long time and I'm sorry. But something happend and I wanted to escape it but it didn't work, she said and looked at her friend.
- But I loved Fp and it didn't go a day without me thinking of him, new tears were forming in her eyes.
- I regret now not being with him, maybe stuff would have been different. She looked at the flower she had In her hands. She pressed a soft kiss to it and whispered that she loved him before throwing it in his grave. No one said anything as they they threw dirt om his coffin. Alice legs were shaking and she slid down to the ground crying her heart out. Hermione was at her side in a heartbeat pulling her in to a hug. Alice buried her head in Hermioe's neck. Fred put his hand on her Hermione's shoulder giving it a squeeze. Tom were hugging a crying Sierra. There they were at Fp Jones funeral. Their friend and lover.


Alice opened  the doors to the wyrm and walked in. Fred and Hermione had gone home to Fred's and Sierra and to Tom's as they didn't think it was fit for them to go to the wyrm. All the serpents had gone there to countinue the mourning of their prince. The king was nowhere to be seen. Alice looked around and saw Topas, Penny, Tall boy talking in a corner of the wyrm each holding a drink. Every serpent were drinking. She stepped up to the bar sitting on a barstool. Hog Eye walked up to her.
- What can I get you Alice, your regular? He asked her knowing what she liked.
- No thanks.
- What else?
- I can't Hog Eye. I can't drink.
Why? He asked but she saw realization hit him.
- Are you..?
- Yes, she answered putting her hand on her stomach.
- And he didn't know, she said crying.
- Alice, he said with a soft voice.
- It's the only thing I have left of him beside my memories.
He looked at her with a sad look.
- How will I raise a child?
- You will and you will be a great mother and you will tell him or her about their amazing father.
She looked up at him and he continued.
- We will take care of you, the serpents are your family and I know you will have your friends too.
She smiled up at him nodding her head.
- okay she said.
- You might want this he said.
He took something from the bar and held it to her. It was his serpent jacket. She took it and held it letting tears drop on it.
She smiled up at her friend.
- Thank you!
She was back with her family. The ones who she loved and loved her. And she would be able to do this. It might be hard but she would do it. She would fight for him and their baby. Alice would do everything she could for Fp Jones. She would never in her life forget him.


I'm sorry I guess.
I killed my self by writing this.
I had this Idea for a while and decited to write it. I hope you enjoyed it.

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