The original core four

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Alice was looking at her self in the mirror. She twists and turns in the dress and runs a hand on the fabric.
Hermiome pokes her head in the dressing room.
- Come on out, leet me see it.
Alice follows her out and stands there. If she were going to be honest she hated the dress. It't was a pink short dress down to her knees. It was sleeveless with a V-neck.
Alice looked down at her self and made a face and looked up at Hermione.
- Yeah that's totally a no, so not you Hermione said.
Alice smiled at her. Her best friend knew her so well. Go change into your clothes and lets continue searching.
Alice did that and returned.
- I hate shopping.
- I know and that's why I'm here, you need a dress and I'm here to help.
They walked down to the other side of the store.
- And what dress are you going to have? Alice asked her.
- Hmmm Idk but a really sexy one she said.
-of course you are, Alice rolled her eyes.
They looked through the dresses. Something emerald green caught her eyes. She walked down to the end of the room picking up a dress. She held it up looking at it.
- You should try it Hermione said.
Alice took the dress and went to the dressing room. She came out after a while wearing the dress.
The dress was A-line in floor length and a v-neck shoving of parts of her breasts. The back of the dress was bare showing her beautiful skin. The emerald green made her skin glow.
- Spin around Hermione said.
She did as she was told, spinning around one turn. She looked at Hermione waiting for her to say something.
- It's perfect she said.
Hermione smiled wide at her and Alice raised her eye brows at her.
- What Alice asked.
- Fp won't be able to take his eyes of you she said grinning.
- Just shut up Alice said blushing.
- So I think I will take this one.
- Al the dress was made for you, of course you will take it.
Alice walked into the dressing room changing into her clothes. She came out holding a firm grip on the dress. But before they went on she realized something. She looked down at the price and she sighted.
- Hermione wait.
- What? Hermione who had started walking stoped and turned around.
- I don't think I can have this dress.
- What why?
- I can't afford it Alice said quiet.
- Alice really? Hermione raised her eyebrows at her.
- What it's expensive.
- I will buy it
- No Hermione you can't
- I will buy it
- Hermione really no, I will find a cheaper.
- I will buy the dress she said firm and her tone said "I won't take a no"
Alice looked at her.
- You are my best friend and I need to se Fp's reaction to that dress, Hermione smiled at her.
- Okay Alice finally agreed.
- Good now it's my turn Hermione said excited.
They looked around for a while and Hermione tried on a dresses.
When Hermione went to try a dress Alice had forgotten witch numer this dress was. It could be 12th or 20th.
She heard Hermione from inside the dressing room.
- Al I think I found it she said before walking out from the room.
The dress was purple sleeveless and with a deep v-neck. The dress was floor length and showing her curves. It has a long slip showing her leg. The back was bare showing her skin.
- Okay not it's Fred's time to be speechless Alice smiled.
- I know Hermione said with a smug smile.
Alice shook her head smiling at her friend.
Hermione turned in her dress before going and changing into her clothes.
She returned with her dress in her hand.
- Como on give it to me.
- Are you sure? Alice said unsure.
- Yes just give it to me
- Fine, Alice gave the dress to Hermione and they went to pay. The cashier put the dresses in 2 bags before handing it to them.
They went out of the store.
- Okay lets go bye some shoes.
They went to a nearby shoe store. And after searching a while the girls found some shoes.
Alice took some black 4 inches high heels. She didn't think much about them as they were going to be hidden under her long dress. Hermione searched a bit longer. She needed the perfect shoes for her slip dress. She found a pair of 5 inches high heel black ankle straps. She took Alice shoes and didn't care about the protest from her. They went to the cashier and Hermione payed for them. They went out from the store and Hermione gave Alice shoes to her. They had the dresses and shoes in bags.
- Wanna go to pops? Hermione asked
- Sure Alice answered.
They made their way to pops and slide down in a both at the end of the diner. Pops came and they ordered their usually. A burger and fries for each and a chocolate milkshake for Alice and a strawberry for Hermione. They had been in the diner for about 15 minutes before the boys came in.
- Look, Hermione who was facing the door said.
Alice looked around and saw the boys walking up to them.
- Hey Fred said and sat down beside Hermione as she made place for him. Hermione gave Fred a kiss before turning to Alice again. Fp climbed over the seat and sat at the window where there were place.
- Hey baby he said and he bent down and kissed her. He put his arm around her and they turned around to their friends.
- What have you been doing all day? Fred asked them.
- We have been shopping.
- Really? Fp looked at Alice.
- Stop looking at me like that, it wasn't my ide.
They chuckled at her. All of them knew Hermione was the shopping girl.
- What did you shop for? Fred asked them
- The dance of course, Hermione said.
- ohhh Fp tried to look into Alice bag but Hermione swapped his hand from across the table.
- Not tonight lover boy.
Fp tried to look at Alice for help but she just shrugged her shoulders taking a sip from her milkshake.
- So do you have your stuff done? Hermione asked.
- Yeah weeks ago Fp answers and Fred shook his head in agreement. Fred stole a fry from Hermione and ate it.
Fp took Alice milkshake and drank it.
Pops came up to them and asked what they wanted to order. They ordered what the girls got. When the milkshakes came Hermione took the straw from her drunken milkshake and put it in Fred's so they were sharing.
Alice followed her and put her straw in Fp's milkshake. Now and then the couples shared a drink.
- It's not long for school to end. Alice said.
- Finally, Fp groaned.
- Any plans, Fred asked and put a fry in his mouth.
- Just relaxing man, Fp said. He had put his hand on the both and Alice where leaning on it. Hermione was snuggled into Fred's side his arm around her.
- Lets just make a pact, Hermione said after a moment of quiet. The other 3 looked at her.
- Lets just promise that whatever happens in our lives, whatever crap will come down at us, we will be together. That we won't break up.
- Cheers to that Fp said and they raised their glasses and took a sip from their milkshakes.
They sat there in a silence for a while before any one spoke again. Now and then the girls took some fries from the boys.
- I think we should head home, just as he said that Alice yawned.
- And I think that proves my point.
- It's actually exhausting to shop.
Hermione raised her eyebrows at her.
- It's shopping Alice.
- I know she said and smiled at her best friend who rolled her eyes.
They put some money on the table and the four of them got up and Alice held onto Fp's arm when they walked out. Fred and Hermione was walking behind them hand in hand.
Fred and Hermione sad goodbye before getting in Fred's truck and driving away.
They drived for about 15 minutes before they arrived at Hermione's house.
- I will se you tomorrow babe Hermione said.
They leaned in and kissed until they needed to break up for air. They had smiles in their lips. Hermione opened the door and walked up to her house. After seeing her safe at home Fred drived him to his.

Alice and Fp saw Hermione and Fred drive of. Fp turned around and captured her lips. She kissed him back. They stood their awhile clued to each other before they broke up for air.
Fp put his forehead against her.
- I love you he said breathless.
- I love you to.
- Should we go he asked her.
She nodded and they got up on his motorcycle. She but her arms around his waist before he started driving into the south side. Her hair flew in the air and she loved it. She laughed and Fp smiled at her. Fp drive faster and Alice lifted her arms upp. She loved to feel the airs pressure agains her. She put her arms around him again after a while and just watched the star filled sky. They drove for 20 minutes before arriving at the trailer park. Fp parked the bike at his trailer before he and Alice got of it. Alice stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. She drew back before he could kiss her back. But she stood close to him. Her hand were on his cheeks and his arms around her waist.
- How much do you love me? She asked.
- So much
- How much is so much, she smiled at him.
- Count the stars in the universe and you will find out.
- But that's impossible, the stars never end.
- Then my love for you is infinite.
- Really? she teased him
- Of corse.
- I love you Fp Jones.
- I love you Alice Smith.
Fp bent down and kissed her. Their kiss turned into a passionate make out session. But before It could become more Alice broke up.
- I really need to go home Fp.
Fp looked at her with puppy eyes but Alice didn't get into it.
- I love you but I really need to go, she said.
- Okay fine
She took her bags that Fp had hung on his bike. She made to walk away but Fp took her arm and drew her in for a final kiss.
- Goodnight baby he said.
- Goodnight she smiled at him.
He watched her walk away to her trailer not long from his. He walked to his trailer and got in.
His love for her was really endless.

Falice one shots Where stories live. Discover now