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Taegi are happy


"How's your lip ?" Yoongi asks worriedly

"It's fine . A kiss would make it better though" Taehyung says puckering up his lips .

Yoongi giggles kissing Taehyung's lips . Ever since they talked it out . Taehyung broke up with his girlfriend , resulting her to lash out and act completely psychotic busting Taehyung's lip open

At the moment they were cuddling . Since Yoongi has been begging to be held , after a short period of time of not being held at night or just in general .

"You know you shouldn't have gone all this trouble to get with me hyung ." Yoongi speaks up fumbling with the collar of Taehyung's shirt

"Losing you would be losing a part of me Yoongi , I've already told you I would go to hell and back for you ." Taehyung says pecking his lips .

Yoongi blushes and hides in the crook of Taehyung's neck making Taehyung laugh .Running his fingers through Yoongi's soft blonde hair .

"Taehyungie promise me one thing . You won't ever leave me again ok ?" Yoongi mumbles

"I can promise you that Yoonie . Trust me the only thing that will part us is when I die . Don't ever worry that I'll leave you . Leaving you was my biggest mistake baby ." Taehyung says softly .

Yoongi nods and keeps burying his face in Taehyung's neck .

"I love you so much Taehyunige thank you for always being my light"

"Thank you for being my soft spot baby boy ."


Ah yes this book has come to an end . The you for coming along this beautiful journey with me . I would like to clear up that Taehyung has paid off his debt to the guys during the time they weren't on speaking terms . Cause I am such a little bitch for not wanting to add more of those scenes to this book . But we hit 2k ! Tysm for everything . And I hope you guys enjoyed this book as much as I did . And make sure to give the chapter a vote :) ily all

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