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Taehyung is having a crisis


"What do you mean you don't plan on making a move on him ? You guys are like the most perfect match in existence !" Hoseok yells out

"Will you quit complaining ? You're not the one whose trying to date him so let me do what I got to do and pass me the god damn blunt you blunt hogger" Taehyung grits snatching the blunt away from Hoseok

"You are rude today mister Kim , Jimin wouldn't treat me like this" Hoseok rolls his eyes

"Yeah well tough shit" Taehyung snorts

"I just don't know why you don't tell him you like him . You guys are practically like a couple . You take care of him . Buy him stuff and love him to bits . I wouldn't doubt that Yoongi feels the same" Hoseok shrugs

"I don't know Hoseok I don't want to ruin what me and him have right now . I can't bare to lose him just because of a stupid crush" Taehyung frowns

"Look man whatever you decide to do . Yoongi will always be there . You guys are joined by the hip . You guys are the only reason I make it in this cruel world . You either do it now or keep wondering if he'll like you back you coward !" Hoseok says taking a hit .

Taehyung bites his lip nodding slowly . Hoseok is right . He can't just keep wondering if Yoongi feels the same or not . He needs to know how he feels and if he can make Yoongi his . But right now he just wants to smoke and gather his thoughts before he does anything drastic

He really wants Yoongi to like him back .


Yes it's a short chapter hate on me 😔😔😔

I really have zero motivation for anything ugh I'm sorry . I'm going to update Porcelain doll rn . It's going to be a short chapter as well but uh vote and comment pls :(

I love you guys please have a good day or night <3

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