Start from the beginning

“Are you mad?” he asks, voice faint.

Now, Hoseok has never been a man who enjoys babying others. Especially other men. Having the ability to touch as hard as he wants, and to be a rough as he wants to be, is one of the many reasons he likes being with men in the first place. He doesn’t feel he has to approach them with fragility, or be afraid of hurting them too badly, but when it comes to Taehyung, it’s as if Hoseok’s entire world is backwards. Whenever he looks up at Hoseok with those dark, sincere eyes, his face filled with troubled worry, Hoseok will undoubtedly feel a burning need to wrap his body protectively around him, to hold him close and whisper sweet nothings into his hair. It’s exactly how he feels now, staring down at his boy who so obviously wanted him—badly enough, it seems, that he’s offended that Hoseok’s first response isn’t to want him back.

“No,” he cooes softly, bringing Taehyung back into his arms. “I’m not mad.” He reaches out and scratches behind one of his angled ears, and watches as it curves and twitches. He feels Taehyung shudder, hears the hitch of his breath as he whines softly. Inherently, and without much thought, Hoseok nudges his thigh closer to Taehyung’s body, and grinds against him teasingly. A chill courses straight through him at the sight of Taehyung’s eyes rolling shut, his pink lips parting, just barely, as soft puffs of air come as silent moans.

“Hyung’s tired,” he says, nudging his nose into the side of Taehyung’s face. Exhaustion is still settled deeply inside his bones. “I don’t think I’ll be of much use to you tonight,” and this is how he truly feels. He can’t imagine propping himself between Taehyung’s legs, moving his hips—even barely so. He doesn’t even think he can move them at all. He’ll be lucky, he thinks, if he doesn’t wind up simply laying there, motionless, crushing Taehyung beneath him.

Taehyung quickly squirms away until he and Hoseok are face to face once more, and his ears are flattened again, his eyes large and swimming. He begins to whine lowly as his hands curl into the front of Hoseok’s shirt, his hips rocking ever so gently against his thigh. He won’t beg with words, Hoseok knows that, but as Taehyung leans in, still whining as he presses one heated kiss after another to Hoseok’s mouth, he thinks maybe he will hear the words please, hyung fall faintly from his lips.

But, Hoseok doesn’t want his kitten to beg tonight.

“Okay, okay,” he cooes lightly. Cupping either side of Taehyung’s jaw, he kisses him hard, and deeply, licking into his mouth. He hears Taehyung’s relieved moan, and smiles to himself. “You’ll have to do most of the work, though. Can kitty do that?”

Blushing fiercely at the pet name (as he always does), he nods in response. His eyebrows come together, though, as he asks, softly, “How?”

“You’ll figure it out. Go get the lotion.”

He’s up and out of bed in a matter of seconds, which isn’t unexpected. He has a way of moving quickly when there’s something he really wants. But what comes as a shock is how, after throwing the bottle of lotion on the bed, he simply discards all of his clothing. Hoseok watches, rather dazed, as he firstly slips his shirt over his head and throws it aside. Then his pink pajama bottoms are sliding down his thin legs, leaving him in nothing but his underwear. But soon those, too, are gone, left somewhere on the floor with the rest of this clothes.

He stands there, in all his naked glory, his cock hard, the head already wet with precome, as his thin tail sways languidly in the air behind him. He doesn’t move until Hoseok lifts the comforter, invitingly, and extends his arms for Taehyung to fall into. Once he comes to him, Hoseok smiles brightly, sighing contently as Taehyung nuzzles just under his chin.

“Come here,” Hoseok whispers, and pulls Taehyung on top of him to lie in a position very similar to the one he had woken in. Taehyung straddles his lap, his face buried into his neck; the painfully noticeable weight of his hard cock rests between them as they lie chest to chest.

BTS Relationship Imagines: VHope, NamJin, VKook, AND YoonMinWhere stories live. Discover now